Thirty Four

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Emily phoned for an ambulance Demi soon joining her leaving Elliot and Kean in the kitchen, she knew she had to explain to Kean what was going on with Joe but it would be hard to do so. He was only five, he wouldn't understand it, it was hard for them to see never mind a five year old. Emily was the one who came with him in the ambulance Demi staying behind to watch over Kean and Elliot, she'd be worried about her boyfriend the whole time.

"W-What happened?" Joe stammered as he came around in the ambulance.

"Matt came and he's angry with you." Emily breathed squeezing his hand, he felt dizzy and lightheaded as the traffic sped by them, he could feel how fast they were going.

"I-I don't want to be like this." He stammered letting the tears fall down his cheeks Emily shushing him as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"You'll be okay." Emily breathed kissing his head.

When Joe arrived at the hospital his cuts were cleaned and wrapped up in a bandage to prevent infection, they weren't quite deep enough for stitches but were sore for him. He felt a little better now but it still pained him to know that his own mind had done this to him. He was sat with Emily in Harvey's office having his appointment, his grip on Emily's hand was hard desperate for some kind of comfort after what he had been through.

"So Matt did this to you?" Harvey inquired Joe nodding his head.

"The last thing I remember was being in the bathroom staring at the address and phone number for my brother then I don't remember anything until waking up in the ambulance." Joe explained.

"Matt said that Joe created him in his mind when he was going through the abuse so he didn't have to and that he needed to pay for doing so." Emily revealed.

"That's normally the case for a personality which causes harm to the individual. Has any other personality come out yet?"

"Yes, his name is Joey and he's five. He's a little cutie." Emily stated.

"Child like personalities usually are, they have different ways of coping with what is happening," He explained. "Do you think I could talk to Matt?"

"I-I don't know, I usually hear their names being chanted in my head before they come out and he doesn't seem to want to. He's sulking." Joe rolled his eyes slightly but became distant anyway Emily letting go of his hand moving across the leather couch a little bit. Joe's expression changed again to anger his fists clenching into a fist.

"You wanted to talk." He snapped.

"Whoa I've done nothing to you, no need to be so aggressive," Harvey demanded crossing his arms over his chest. "So Matt, you're not very fond of Joe are you."

"Of course not, he's the reason I was put through all that he couldn't stand!" He exclaimed now crossing his arms over his chest.

"And what couldn't he stand?" Harvey inquired, it was the only way to get the truth out of Joe, by speaking to his alters. Joe will remember one day what had happened in his past but Emily hoped it would be a long time into the future. She didn't think he was ready to learn what happened to him yet, it pained her to know as his best friend.

"The beatings, the rape and the extras he took for his brothers." Joe murmured Matt clearly letting his guard down a little bit looking towards the ground.

"By who?" Harvey questioned again Joe's eyes moving up to his as Emily's closed attempting to fight back the tears that were forming.

"His father." He stated putting his head in his hands Emily rubbing his back gently. When Joe looked up again he was himself but he saw the expression on both their faces bursting into tears Emily comforting him.

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