Twenty Six

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Emily crashed that night in Joe's spare bedroom not wanting to leave Joe alone when he was stressing like he was. She could look after Elliot too not sure if she trusted Joe around him alone at the moment. Nobody knew when Matt was going to come. Joe woke up the next morning like normal but he still couldn't remember what had happened in the kitchen.

"You don't need to worry about me and make me sympathy pancakes." Joe stated as he entered the kitchen seeing a plate of pancakes ready for him at a place on the island.

"I can't help but worry Joe." Emily stated making herself some pancakes. She had already woke Elliot up, fed and dressed him. He was in the baby bouncer attached to the door but he was turned away towards the telly while Emily made breakfast.

"I'm worried too," Joe admitted. "I've just been through a lot and I'm thinking maybe it's finally getting on top of my mind. Maybe I'm finally going insane."

"You're not insane Joe, you have been through a lot. Maybe that's the reason behind it but it's not your fault," Emily assured him. "Eat up and get dressed, you have your hospital appointment with Demi soon then your doctors one."

"I don't know if I trust myself alone with anyone, you seem to be the only person who can calm Matt down." Joe stated.

"I can't come to Demi's hospital appointment Joe. Matt comes once a day if that. I'm sure you'll be fine." She kissed his forehead gently before sitting down next to him having her plate in front of her. She'd be there for him as much as she could.

Demi took Emily's advice and didn't mention what happened last night in front of Joe, instead when they met up she acted normal around him. Joe knew what was going on though and how much she wanted to know. The truth was he didn't know and he was the one going through it. They were now sat down in the waiting room.

"I've started to feel a little bit of movement." Demi admitted looking up at Joe.

"That's good." Joe mumbled looking down at the floor, Demi grabbed his hand making him smile slightly but he was still worried about himself.

"I-I don't want to hurt you or the baby." Joe stammered.

"You won't, we're in a hospital, if something happens this is the best place to be don't you think?" Demi questioned Joe sighing nodding his head.

"I didn't have a good childhood, I think it may be because of that." Joe confessed to her letting go of her hand leaning forward in the seat.

"If you've been through a lot then something is bound to happen, do you want me to come with you to your doctor's appointment?" Joe nodded his head.

"Thanks." He answered cracking a small smile as she leaned down kissing his cheek gently as close to his mouth as she could without it being a kiss on the lips.

"Demi Lovato." They heard the two of them getting up following the midwife into the room. Demi had all her musts done before she was laid back on the bed. They would be able to see their baby today and Joe was glad to be here.

"And there is your baby." Jessica stated as she turned the screen towards them. It brought back memories for them both, Joe's a little more recent then Demi, they both had to remember that it was their baby on the screen and they weren't just looking back at Kean or Elliot's scan. It was a little emotional for them both.

"Is he or she okay?" Demi questioned wiping away a tear.

"Yes I believe so, good size and you've had no problems so I don't think you've got anything to worry about." She approved.

"Besides morning sickness, I haven't had that yet." Demi rolled her eyes making them all laugh.

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