Forty Six

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"What do you mean Demi? He's your boyfriend, surely you wanted sex with him?" Willa inquired but Demi shook her head lost for words. Willa could see how shaken she was about the situation but she was trying not to be. She didn't want her panicking to harm her baby girl or boy, the love for her baby was already a lot.

"It started good, it started as us being intimate but then I-I think another personality came. H-He started to be rough and wouldn't stop when I told him to," Demi explained crying into her hands as Willa rubbed her back. "I-I know it wasn't him but I'm scared to even go wake him up to take his medication!" Willa shushed her comforting her the best she could be she didn't know what do to, she had never been in a situation like it before. Joe's disorder was rare and Demi was strong for keeping up with him but she needed a break.

Joe woke up a couple of hours later but panicked when he felt he was in bed with nothing on. He couldn't remember anything from before he was asleep. He rushed to slip his boxers on leaving his jeans off putting a shirt over his head before rushing downstairs, he was a little more careful when he saw Demi laid on the couch but he felt instantly guilty when he saw the tear marks on her cheeks. He heard moving around in the kitchen so wondered in seeing Willa with Colton.

"W-What did I do?" Joe stammered the two of them turning to him, Willa sighed taking hold of his hand sitting him down at the table Colton not sitting too far away. Carter was with his Grandparents with Kean, Colton was looking after them both but Willa asked him to come down, she knew Demi would want him here.

"Don't be mad with yourself." Willa stated but Joe shook his head letting the tears fall down his cheeks, he just knew it was something huge he had done.

"That's not exactly helping." Joe mumbled running his fingers through his hair.

"You were being intimate with Demi and a personality came. You were getting a bit rough and she told you to stop but whoever you were wouldn't, he raped her." Willa rubbed his back gently as he let out a sob keeping his fingers in his hair only just able to with the cast on his arm.

"I-I don't deserve her." He grumbled.

"Of course you do Joe, we know this isn't your fault, you didn't wish this on yourself." Colton assured him but it didn't make him feel any better.

"I'm fed up of hurting people and even myself, cutting my own arms, jumping in front of a car then raping my own girlfriend? I don't deserve her, I don't even trust myself around anyone now. Tell her I'm sorry but I can't be here anymore." Joe got up and left before they could say anything or try and stop him. They turned to one another sighing to each other. They continued to do their jobs in silence until they saw Demi enter the room, she had been asleep for about an hour.

"Who left?" She asked confused.

"I'm sorry Demi, Joe left," Willa begun. "He said he didn't deserve you and left." Colton wrapped his arms around her as she started to panic.

"I can't do this alone again!" Demi cried.

"You won't do this alone Demi, I don't know what he meant by that but I know he loves his son or daughter as much as you do. He wouldn't just walk out." Willa assured her Demi pulling away from Colton wiping her eyes.

"We need to find him, I want to find him." Demi urged.

"Demi I think it's best you relax." Colton urged back but Demi shook her head.

"I need him." Demi mumbled exiting the kitchen to put her shoes on.

"We can't let her go alone." Willa grabbed Colton's hand leading him to follow Demi, they knew nothing they could stay would stop her. They wanted to find Joe as much as she did, they didn't want him to hurt anybody else.

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