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It had been about five minutes since Joe was shot and he had just come back around sobbing from the pain holding the wound on his shoulder knowing that it would help the bleeding. He wanted to stay strong but it was hard when all her could feel was the burning sensation on his chest. Demi was keeping Kean against her so he wouldn't see but he eyes were on him telling him every so often that he would be okay. She wasn't sure though, he seemed to be bleeding pretty heavy even with his hand pressed against it.

"You need to let him go! He needs hospital treatment!" Demi exclaimed as she saw his eyes opening and closing. She knew he was losing consciousness.

"Nobody leaves this room, I seem to not have made myself clear." Carl stated.

"But he's just had a baby! You can't let him die, he has a little boy who needs him." Demi urged Carl rolling his eyes Joe groaning when he felt him kick his lower body. But it was an effortless groan, he didn't have much energy left. He kept trying to think of his month old son, he was so innocent and he hadn't seen him in a while. He didn't want to die here on the floor when he had Ashton to look after. He wanted to be a father to his son. Demi was about to speak again when Carl had interrupted her having enough of her.

"If you don't shut up I'll shoot him straight in the head now." He demanded holding the gun towards Joe who closed his eyes losing all hope.

The police had managed to get Carl under control about an hour later Joe being out the whole time. They didn't know whether he was dead or not yet but as soon as they were in the room paramedics had taken him away after finding a very faint pulse. He wa son his way out and they all prayed that they had gotten there soon enough. Demi hugged Willa back as she hugged her being careful of Kean in her arms who was sleeping.

"Are you okay?" Willa questioned pulling away from her.

"Yeah I'm fine," Demi breathed watching as Joe was lifted onto the ambulance, he was the only one who was harmed. "I don't know if he will be though, he tried to save us all and got shot in the process. He's only just had a son."

"I'm sure he'll be just fine, he's in the best place," Willa reassured her rubbing her back gently. "Carter is back at your house with Colton, I'm going to stay over and make sure that you are both okay."

"Thanks." Demi mumbled allowing her to lead her over to the car.

Demi woke up the next morning hearing crying coming from next to her, she sighed bringing Kean into her arms kissing his head gently. She couldn't remember everything that had happened last night and she guessed Kean could too, she wanted him close to her in case he was like this. She pulled away from him wiping his eyes gently.

"It's okay Kean, we're both okay now." She assured him.

"It scary." He mumbled Demi kissing his forehead.

"I know it was but you have nothing to worry about now, the police have taken him away again where he can't hurt anybody else." Demi explained.

"He hurted the policeman."

"I know but I'm sure he will be okay, we'll go over to the police station in a couple of days and see if we can know if he is okay but before then he will be in the hospital with the doctors who will make sure that he is okay." Demi explained.

"I love you mommy." Kean murmured Demi kissing his head again.

"I love you too baby boy, you're safe here with mommy." Demi stated, she just wished that Joe would be okay. That he would pull through for the sake of his son that he had barely been able to see.


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