Fifty Six

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Joe and Demi had a agreement, Demi would phone Joe when she woke up of a morning so Joe didn't disturb her, he didn't want to spoil her rest when she needed it at the moment. It would be about three in the afternoon for Joe so she wouldn't be disturbing him and she knew if he didn't answer he was busy and he'd call back when he was free. Joe at the moment was in a session with Marty, he had a couple but they were more about getting to know one another.

"Your personalities seem to be behaving themselves don't you think?" Marty inquired as he sat down at his desk opposite Joe who was slouched on the couch.

"They're probably scared." Joe answered.

"I presume your here to potentially get rid of the personalities?" Marty inquired Joe looking towards the floor slightly shrugging his shoulders.

"I-I don't know to be honest, they are all still part of me. I just wish they weren't aggressive," Joe confessed to Marty. "I don't want rid of Joey."

"Why not?" Marty inquired.

"He's kinda having the childhood I never had and even though I don't know what I'm doing it still feels as if I'm having a childhood I deserve." Joe confessed again.

"I'll see what I can do." Marty promised.

"How long do you think it will take though?" Joe inquired.

"I honestly don't know, it could take months or years. It depends how willing your personalities are to leave." He answered.

"I-I'm having a baby with my girlfriend." Joe stammered.


"Her due date is in the summer, July," Joe replied looking back up at him. "I'm already missing my son's first birthday and watching him walk for the first time or talk. I'm missing Kean's sixth birthday, he's like a son to me, I don't want to miss the birth of my child."

"I'll make sure you get there when she gives birth, someone might have to fly with you and wait with you at the hospital but you'll be there."

"Thank you." Joe spoke looking back down at the floor.

"I wish you could stay." Joe mumbled as Denise entered his bedroom, she thanked the nurse which let her in before turning back to her son sitting on the edge of the bed with him kissing the side of his head. She didn't want to leave him either, she still saw him as the twelve year old that left her, she hadn't seen him since he was twelve.

"I wish I could stay with you too but you're not a baby anymore, you can do this alone Joe, I know you can." She encouraged.

"It just doesn't feel like home here and if nobody from home is here then it won't feel anymore like home." Joe stated.

"That's because you're in a whole new country, you'll get used to it." Denise answered letting him lean his head on her shoulder. They had grown a bond in the short time they had known one another, she wanted to see her son better.

"Marty said I can come home around Demi's due date for a week or two, someone has to fly with me and make sure I'm safe with someone before they come back here." Joe explained Denise smiling slightly, she knew that was something for him to look forward to.

"That will be good Joe, just keep you mind on that then you can see everyone again and meet your son or daughter."

"I guess, it will be hard to leave again though after spending so little time with the baby." Joe admitted but he wouldn't not go, he had the opportunity and would take it. 

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