Chapter 1: Innocence For Dinner

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Brad's POV,
I sat on my bed once I was dressed, with a cup of coffee and my MacBook. Everyday is tweet her a good morning message, and wish her a good day. It's not crazy right? It's normal to fall in love with someone you've never met, and doesn't even know you exist? Please tell me that someone can relate.

Another minute, another tweet, another day so another start. It's just everything about her, her smile, her voice, her personality she shows and her looks.

If I could, all I would listen to is her voice, her interviews, her. Each time the news said she was seen with a guy I would shut everyone out. She didn't need me, but I need her.

I guess people say that you become this obsessed when you don't get attention from friends and family. But the thing is, I do. My mum and sister and I always spend time together, having meals and watching TV. I'm not that popular in sixth form in school, but I don't need popularity, I need good grades.

Of course, a famous celebrity like her would not date some idiot. I have to prove myself to her. I know she will notice me one day. She will, I promise you.

I'm not crazy. I'm in love. Everyone expressed their love to the person they love differently. Unfortunately for me, I can only spam her with tweets and comments, because I have no other contact.

My room has a few posters of her, some older, some newer. Love never fades away.
"Come on Brad, it's just a game of footie with the boys!" James begs me to go out, while I stare at her Twitter, waiting for her to be online and tweet.

"James, I don't think I can..." I try to argue.

"Brad this is getting pathetic. She's not going to notice you today, she didn't yesterday either. All you've been doing is sitting in your room and waiting. Just one game, please?" He says. His words sound harsh to me, but I sigh and agree, shutting my MacBook down and putting on some skinny jeans and a white shirt. I had a few bracelets on my left arm and a gold chain around my neck.

"Thank god!" James cheers and we make our way to the field. There waits Con and Tris, the other two of my best friends. I met them all at my college, and we all study music, that's how we met. Other than with James. I've known James for as long as I can remember.

"Alright, no need to get too excited," I chuckle at James's child like behaviour. "I've not seen you guys for two days..." The summer holidays have just begun, and I had no plans what so ever. My mum and Nat were off for a girly week in a few days, so I'd have the whole house to myself.

I'm not the guy to have girls around, I could get the girls, I choose not to. I only want her. I'm not the guy who has parties either, because the house is too pretty to be trashed. My family are kind of rich I guess, but I don't act like a snob, at least, I don't think I do.

"Well, believe it or not Brad it's hard to get you to come outside you know?" James tells me. I shrug and carry on walking. As soon as we arrive I get tackled to the floor by Tris.

"Nice to see you too bro..." I chuckle as he gets up then helps me. Con then spots me, kisses his girlfriend on the cheek and makes his way over. We have a man hug and Ella waves at me and makes her way over.

Ella has caramel hair, and green eyes, I understand why he would go for someone like her, she's stunning. She's a writer, does her English A levels right now, and is quite passionate in everything she does. She's like another sister to me. Her family have a really rich background, but she doesn't act like it. You'd think that having most things you want and being an only child would bring up a spoilt kid. Well, think again. She's the nicest girl around, and her and Con will make it.

"Brad!" She runs at me and hugs me. I see Con smile, I'd never even dream of being more than just friends with Ella, and he knows that.

"Hey Ella," I smile at her.

"Rita notices you yet?" She asks. I'm sure she just does it because she feels sorry for me, or maybe she actually cares.

"Nope, was going to tweet her, but James dragged me out so... Here I am?" I chuckle.

"Ready for me to beat you?" She giggles, oh yeah, and she isn't scared to play football.

"Hmmm, I think not!" I spend the rest of the afternoon hanging around with those four idiots. Tris, Con, James and Ella.

As soon as I get home I see she tweeted, I missed it.

@RitaOra: Sometimes your best just ain't enough 😔

I instantly tweet her tweets which are positive and uplifting. She's my world, I want to be hers.
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now