Chapter 4: I'm Here So Wake Up

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(AN: I've chosen bradleythebear to play James's girl (though it's just a small introduction, she'll be in it more in a chapter or two) , and Tris's girl will be introduced later, so that's when she will be revealed! X)

Brad's POV,
I woke up with the best mood ever. I couldn't believe this, I quickly checked my DM's just to make sure it wasn't a dream. It wasn't.

BradleySimpson: Have a nice day💕

I left her a DM and went to shower. It's not like I had anything important to do today, other than meet James. Him and his girl Anna invited me to join them for a night out in the evening. Anna was James's girlfriend ever since year 8, and now we're in sixth form. What's that, 8,9,10,11,12... 5 years they've been together now? And they say true love doesn't exist.

I stood in the shower for a bit, just thinking about everything. That's when I realise, mum and Nat are leaving in a few hours! I wash my curly mop and get up, wrapping a towel around my waist and go into my room. I dry myself and put on boxers and some black skinny jeans, and my gold chain around my neck. I towel dry my hair and hang it up on my door before I make my way down.

"Oh Brad put a shirt on, no one cares about your so called six pack," Nat rolls her eyes.

"Good morning to you too Nat, glad to see that you're doing good." I chuckle and she sighs.

"Now you two stop this, Brad take the suitcases to the car for me please? It was difficult enough to take them down the stairs," my mum asks me.

"Sure," I smile at her and take her suitcase into the car, then return for Nats and do the same.

"You sure you don't want to go with us? I don't want to leave you here all alone, it's not too late to book a space for you Brad," my mum smiles at me as soon as I get back.

"Mum it's fine, I'm sure Nat will be able to live without me for a week or two," I chuckle.

"Oh Brad I don't think I can," she plays along giggling.

"Sorry to do this to you sis, but you're stuck with mum," I wink at my mum.

"Hey!" My mum giggles and pulls both me and Nat into her. "We will miss you Brad," she then says.

"I'll miss you too, but it's only for a week or so, so it won't be too bad!" I try to lighten up the mood.

"Mum, we should go or we could miss the plane..." Nat pulls away slowly. I am going to miss them, but I know how hard mum works as a single mum, so she needs this break. Why didn't I want to go with them? I don't know, I guess they deserve their time as a girly week away in New York.

"Yeah, I'll walk you to the car," I smile as they both pick up their handbags and get ready to go.

"If you need anything I've put money on your card, there's food in the house on some money on the side of you fancy a take away. Have friends over whatever, but no parties. I know you have the urge to have girls over too, but if so, I don't want to come back to find out you're going to be a father alright?" She finishes her speech as she gets into the car.

"Promise you that won't happen... His eyes are only for Rita, and let's be honest, it's not like she's going to end up in bed with him." Nat says. She's right, but it hurt. Not that I'd want Rita for pleasure, I'd want to treat her like a princess.

"Nat that was not necessary," my mum tells her. "You never know, our Brad is special," she kisses my cheek as I lean down to hug her.

"You should get going, I'll call of anything alright?" I lean out of the car and close the door, as the window is rolled down.

"Derek would of been proud of you Brad, don't forget it," mum puts her hand on my cheek then starts up the engine and I watch them leave. I feel wetness on my cheek and quickly wipe away the tear. Was it because she mentioned dad or because they're leaving?

I look up at the new flats just across from my house, they look so nice and modern. That's when something catches my eye. Or a certain someone. She was watching me all this time, she saw me cry. We made eye contact and she had tears in her eyes too. I was stuck in the moment, unsure of what exactly I should do right now. I look down and when I glance back up she's gone.
Thought I should leave it there for now, a little cliff hanger? Who did he see? Why did he cry?
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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