Chapter 26: Worry

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Brad's POV,

Last night I left Rita by herself, I had to make sure the house was clean for when mum and Nat came home today. I knew I had to tell them everything, including about Rita, and the boys and tour.

I woke up early, knowing that I had to be ready for them with some sort of breakfast, knowing that the airport ones are quite expensive. Plus, Nat won't eat fatty food so...

I had a quick shower then made my way to my closet and looked through. Deciding with a maroon top and black jeans with my doc martins. Surprised?

My phone was on the bedside table, and even though it was only six I decided to message Rita. This way of I didn't get the chance later she'd still have a message from me.

1 Text to: Princess😍
Goodmorning Princess, hope you have a lovely day😘 xx

It was weird. I felt like we act like a couple and everything but we're not. I know I know, it's my fault. I should really et over myself. Once mum tells me what she thinks I'll make my move, I just want to know my mums opinion. She always knew Lydia was bad news, I feel like she knows who is and isn't right for me.

I know, who lets their mum into their relation ship right? I don't, I just like to know what she thinks and what her opinion is.

I grabbed my coat, keys and money and made my way out of the house. Maybe Starbucks would be a good place to get them some breakfast. As you can tell, I don't like making food and stuff, unless it's for Rita I guess.

As I stepped out the cold air hit my cheeks, and I shivered a little. Because it's the beginning of December it was clear that it would be cold. I wanted it to snow for Christmas, it'd be magical and make me happy. The last time Birmingham had a white Christmas was when I was little.

On my way to Starbucks I notice a few homeless people, which makes me frown, purely for the fact that it's cold and they don't have a home. I wish I could help them all.

As it was an early hour Starbucks wasn't that full, only a few business men sipping on their coffee. There was a young girl standing at the counter, wiping the table as clearly she had nothing else to do. She had brown hair which fell to her butt, not that I was checking her out or anything. As I walked up, her piercing eyes took my attention.

"What can I get you?" She almost sang, clearly happy she had something to do.

"Can I please have three, no make that four croissants and four lattes please," I change my mind half way. She nods and starts to make my food and drinks I've ordered, putting them in red Starbucks cups and little paper bags. It's 10th December and its feeling Christmassy.

"That'll be £11.89" she says and I hand her a twenty pound note. As soon as I have my change I make my way back home, but first to make a stop at Rita's.

I got to her flats front door and put down a latte and a croissant on the door mat.

1 text to: Princess 😍
Look outside your door when you wake up xx

Feeling satisfied I make my way back to my house to get ready for mum and Nat to return home. God have I missed them.
"BRADDDDDD!" My mum drops her suitcase by the door and runs to me giving me a hug and kissing my cheek a few times. I guessed she missed me as much as I missed her.

"Mum! Missed you," I hug her back and see Nat waiting to hug me next. I let go of her and hug Nat.

"Ew you stink," she jokes making us both laugh.

"Missed you too Nat," I tell her and we all sit in the kitchen drinking coffee and eating a croissant.

"Thanks for that Brad," mum smiles.

"I have a few things to tell you but I don't know how..." I sigh.

"If you're going to tell us that you're gay with Tristan and your obsession with Rita is a cover up we understand," Nat giggles along with mum and I, making it easier.

"No, plus he's got a girlfriend, and we're both not gay I promise," I smile. "Okaii, this is crazy, but when you left I saw Rita in one of the new apartments. She saw me be emotional and came down. Mum Rita Ora loves opposite us!" I smile.

"WE KNOW BRAD!" Nat giggles.

"Wait what? How?" I ask confused looking between the two.

"Nat also follows her on Twitter, you two seem cozy, with her in your shirt, and something about a tour?" Mum winks.

"I wanted it to be a surprise!" I chuckle.

"Blame your girlfriend for tweeting it," Nat teases me.

"She's not my girlfriend..." I sigh.

"Why Brad?" Nat seems to be curious.

"Because I'm scared she'll hurt me just like Lydia did. I'll give her my all a and she'll hurt me... Probably..." I mumble.

"Bradley Will Simpson!" My mum starts. "You need to get over yourself with Lydia. Have none of the boys tried beating some sense into you? Being with Rita is something you've wanted since you've become a fan. Even I started to believe you'd get together in the future. Now you're so close and you're going to throw it away by not asking her?" Mum seems disappointed. This is what I've needed, a kick up my ass.

"I just don't know how. All these dates and ask if are too normal. I don't know... Maybe after tour, then we would of known each other inside out." I shrug my sister and mum nodding not wanting to say anymore to the subject.
Hey! 20th Dec my bday;)
Sooooo, might manage to upload before Christmas not promising anything tho!
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy X

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