Chapter 33: Can You Play That Sax?

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Brad's POV,

I was shaking, but she said yes! Nothing has managed to come between us, and we are nearly done with tour. Lauren has been giving Rita the evils and spreading rumours about her. I don't know why, I love Rita and I nearly lost her because of Lauren. But I didn't so it's Okaii, I just need to be more careful with everything I do.

"Don't go," Rita pulls me closer to her as I was about to get up. I've been sharing her bunk bed ever since the beginning, and it's amazing to wake up and being able to hold her close to me.

"I won't princess," I smile down at her and see her smiling too. I know we have a show later, but it's at the same venue as yesterday, so I'm guessing we have most of the day to ourselves anyway.

Tris left yesterday after his show to go and see Quinn, saying he'll be back later, when I think he just needed female company. It must suck for him, to watch all of us in relationships and with the girls and he's lonely. It's a bit unfair it's true.

"Good because you're warm and cuddly," she giggles and puts the covers back over me and cuddles up to me. I smile knowing that she's mine and I'm hers, my mum would be so proud if she knew. She told me to never give up, that dreams can come true. She was right.

"I try my best," I chuckle and kiss the top of her head. "I'm just hungry," I tell her as my stomach makes a sound.

"Same, but I'd rather cuddle you, so I'm not willing to let you go just yet," she tells me like a little kid wanting ice cream. I chuckle some more at her childish like behaviour.

"Well I'll just stay here with you then, because I like making you happy, and I think if I leave the bunk you'll just get annoyed." I raise an eyebrow.

"I think you're right, so you should stay right where you are unless you want to be dealing with a grumpy Rita all day, it's your choice really," she smirks knowing I won't move because I'd do anything in my power to keep her happy.

"Like I said, that's why I am staying here because I like to think of myself as smart and it is a smart thing," I play with her hair.

"I really want more tattoos," she says out of the blue after a moment of silence.

"What sort of tattoos? Where?" I don't really want her inked all over, I mean, it's not my choice, but there's a time where tattoos are stupid. Little things are Okaii, but like massive sleeves, I think they wouldn't look right on her delicate body.

"I don't know, I have planned to get a lady on my side when we get back from tour, I've already spoken to my tattoo artist over Twitter," why didn't I know this? I was probably chasing Lauren or something when this was all happening.

"What does she represent? Or just a lady?" I ask curiously.

"She represents me, well she will. And how far I've managed to come independently, with some help from certain people, but it will represent my story I guess." She tells me and stretches.

"Sounds like you know what you want, I'm happy to come and watch it get done if you want?" I look at her while she supports herself in her elbows.

"I'd love that," she says and kisses me once. "We should get up now tho," she giggles and climbs over me.
>so I don't know where any of this is going give me ideas through DM's or comment thanks.<

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now