Chapter 21: Did I Fall For Those Eyes?

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Rita's POV,
I was up and awake, making sure everyone has a glass of water and a pill when they came down. Brad hasn't been shopping for a little bit, clearly living off of junk or my food. Not that I minded, if anything I didn't care. From what I could find, I made some sausages and eggs, and put the bread in the toaster making them crunchy.

"Baby why are you up so early?" Brad asks and takes one of the pills and drinks it down with water.

"So you hangovers wouldn't feel even worse than you already do?" It comes out more like a question.

"Awh that's cute, think Anna will have it worst..." He chuckles and hugs me from behind as I stir the sausages around so they don't stick.

"Where's the paracetamol shit that I need to make this headache go away?" Speaking of the devil...

"Choose a glass on the side and take one pill, the other is for your boyf," I giggle and soon see him coming after her and smiling at me thankfully. I dish up the food equally so everyone has a bit, and make a note to myself to get him some groceries before his mum gets back. Everyone else is sat by the table, in their own conversation, and mumble a small thank you as I give them their plates.

"Tris text me," Brad starts.

"And?" I take a bite of the sausage and eat it.

"He wants us to meet up with him and someone else later, won't tell me who..." He smirks.

"I bet you a tenner that it's Quinn!" Anna quickly buts in.

"I bet you a tenner it's not, he was all shy yesterday so why would he tell us about her the next day?" I watch them entertained as they bet on who it will be with Tris. I hope it's Quinn, not so Anna wins, but so that I get to meet her.

"Apparently Ella and Connor will be there too, after they're done ice skating," Brad adds and gets a few 'awwws'. Ella and Connor make such a cute couple, and surely go on more dates than anyone else I know. And I know a lot of people.

"You up for it then?" Brad asks us all.

"Sure," James and Anna say at the same time.

"Princess?" I smile at the nickname and nod.

"As long as she won't start to completely freak out because it's me then sure, why not?" I keep smiling and Anna giggles.

"She might, but surely you should be expecting that?" She looks at me and I shrug slightly.

"I don't think I will ever get used to people screaming and shouting my name. It's a weird feeling, makes you happy yet depressed because you can't meet and say hello to every single one of them even if you wanted to." And whit that mark everyone just eats.
"I don't think I can wear this Rita, only you can pull off short shorts! I'm not confident!" Anna frowns a little as she puts on my dark blue shirt shorts and a black crop top.

"Look in that mirror Anna. You may have curves but they're all in the right places, nothing which is weird or odd, or something that people would laugh at. If anything, James might get protective at wolf whistles!" I giggle and she soon smiles, looking at herself and believing what I've told her. I believe that no girl should be afraid to wear something because of what other people might say. No matter what it's your life, your time and no one else's opinion matter.

I myself get changed into a black version of those short shorts and a white crop top. We said we would meet the boys at mine once we were ready, as all of us needed showers and the couple needed clothes to borrow.

"Do you love Brad?" Anna says out of the blue as she brushes through my hair, putting it up in a high ponytail.

"I think so, why?" I make eye contact with her through the mirror.

"Think? I was just curious, to see what your intake in love is?" She says and sits on my bed, I twirl around on my chair and smile at her.

"I think it means many different things. When you love someone and know they're the one you're not afraid to open up to them, want to spend as much time as you can with them and you just constantly think about them. There also has to be that attraction, why?" I still felt like that she asked me for a deeper reason.

"I wasn't sure if James was the one, if I really loved him. I believed that I did but wanted to know if people thought the same, and as you spoke, I was ticking off all the boxes and he is the one for me, he's the one I want to be spending my time with!" She giggles and Brad walks through my bedroom door.

"Why do you leave your front door open? Anyone could of gotten in babe," he frowns and James follows him. I'm hoping for James that they weren't out there listening but that they just came in and then looked for us. It wouldn't be fair if he knew, because clearly she wanted to tell me because she wanted to know my opinion. By the look on Anna's face she's thinking the same.

"I usually lock it, left it unlocked for you two, knew you'd just make your way up..." I come up with an excuse. I was never one to be scared of a burglar or 'monsters'. I knew I could take care of myself since mum never really cared, and I never lock the door. If there was a fire it would just slow my escape down, making it harder for me.

"You look stunning, other boys will be jealous baby," I hear James say quietly as he hugs her and she smiles. It's good to know that they are fine, and makes me smile how good they are for each other.

"Come on love birds lets go," Brad says as he takes my hand.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! No honestly guys you've done so much for me so this little update is me giving back a little.
In all honesty I've already started editing my first Madley book, and it will be up as soon as it's been all edited. The story line won't change, just some chapters will improve on sentence. (Okaii maybe that means it will change a bit? Maybe more thoughts but that's about it!)
This time I would like to thank Charlie3112 for everything she has done for me in the last few days, and go check out her book 'Ghost' if you haven't already! But I thank everyone who has messaged me and I do try to reply to you all! I am feeling much better as you can probably tell!
vote, comment and DM!
~ILoveYouBraddyBoy xx

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now