Chapter 15: On My Feet To Find A Girl

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Rita's POV,

He's taking me out. Bradley Simpson is taking me, Rita Ora out for dinner. Breathe, in and out, in and out. HOLY CRAP! I feel like my insides are just doing whatever they want. He tells me that he'll be picking me up around 7, which gives me 3 hours to get ready. Panic.

I literally ran from the front door to my ensuite and got into the shower, washing my body and then my hair, making sure I shave everything that is necessary just in case. As soon as I am out of the shower I look through my clothes. Oh my god I don't know what to wear. Maybe it's time I call Anna?

"Hello?" She picks up, I'm so happy I've exchanged numbers with everyone that night, making new friends is good, I don't think any of my old ones even miss me, they just like the fame and attention they get when they are with me.

"Hey Anna, erm, Brad is taking me out, and I'm not sure what to wear..." I say as casually as I possibly can, though that fails to be honest.

"I won't be long, be at yours in a bit, don't you worry!" She tells me into the phone and hangs up, she always makes me smile. Well now that help is coming, I guess it's not as much panic right? Wrong. What if I screw it up? Or just completely freak him out, or just not be good enough? Management tell me all the time, but I don't know, with Brad everything was different.

With Brad, I wasn't afraid to be myself, to be who I really am. I never cared about make up or how I dressed. I knew I didn't need to impress him, I had to be myself. But right now, I feel like now he's asked me out I should care. Make sure I look the best for him, so he's not afraid to walk with me out into the street, but then again, the media would ruin that anyway. Sometimes I wish I was just a normal eighteen year old and not be famous. But then would I meet Brad or not? I was disturbed from my thoughts as Anna knocked on the door. I shouted 'come in' and she soon appeared in my room. I was in my white lace underwear with my dressing gown over me.

"Rita, you go and make us a cuppa and I'll sort everything else out," she shoos me out of the room and I go and make us two small coffees. If I'm honest, I don't even think I will finish mine. I'm quite nervous, is that normal or not? I can't remember the last time someone has taken me out for a date. Once the coffees are made I make my way back to my room, to see a gorgeous white dress thing that I completely forgotten I even had laid out on the bed with some accessories.

"Get changed woman, I need to do your make up too you know," she giggles and takes her coffee, sitting on my bed and looking through her phone. I hang the dressing gown over the door and put the dress on.

"You sure it looks good?" I ask her and she looks at me and smiles.

"Trust me a little, he's going to go mad," Anna smirks.

"I'm not sure if that's a good thing," I say a bit uncertain but giggle.

"Well, at the end of the day it's up to you if you let him in your panties or-"

"Alright I get it Anna," I interrupt her and sits in my make up chair and she spins me around, getting the make up and starting off with adding foundation to my face then drawing in my eyebrows, only a little bit though, nothing to make me look ridiculous.

"I think a smokey eye would look good," she adds and starts to do my make up, I let her, of course, who wouldn't? She's amazing at make up, maybe she should be a make up artist! She then does my mascara and leaves my lips nude, don't need lipstick as well.

"You're good to go, and just in time, Mr Simpson is at the door," she tells me as there is a knock on the door. I slip on my white heels and take my handbag, look in a mirror and smile. "Don't leave him waiting Ora," Anna smiles.

"You Okaii with seeing yourself out?" I quickly ask walking to the front door.

"Of course, now go!" She tells me and I open the door to a rather handsome looking Brad. He has a suit on and I immediately get lost in his chocolate eyes.

"You looks stunning Rita," he tells me and I shut the door behind me, hugging him the first chance I get.

"You smell amazing," I say without meaning to and blush, just hugging him.

"Why thank you miss," he pulls away and leaves one kiss on my lips. "You have no lipstick on, let me guess, Anna did your make up?" He lifts an eyebrow as we walk down the stairs and out of the building.

"Yeah, how did you know?" I ask and he opens a door to a black Audi for me to sit down, so I do so. He runs around the front of the car and into the drivers seat.

"Let's just say she does few peoples make up for dates, and knows to leave out lipstick so they can share a kiss." He smirks and drives out of the car park. For a moment I want to ask if he has a driving licence, but I decide to leave it be.

Soon we arrive in front of an Italian expensive looking restaurant, and Brad parks, then quickly gets out and to my side to open my door. What a gentleman. He takes my hand and leads me out.

"Table under Simpson," he tells the waiter who then leads us to a table at the back, which has two candles and some rose petals. Brad also pulls out a chair for me to sit on, which I thank him for and the waiter gives us our menus. After we both choose what we want and tell the waiter he leaves, and we start talking about random things.

"I'm so happy you let me take you out princess, I would probably be so embarrassed if you refused to..." He blushes slightly as he takes my hand over the table and intertwines our fingers.

"Why would I refuse you Brad? I do like you you know..." I say it out loud for the first time.

"I like you too... A lot actually..." He tells me and I giggle, he's quite shy at times, it shows me a new side of him.
"Thank you for a lovely evening Brad," I say as he walks me up to my apartment door. He pushes me up against the door slightly as his lips connect with mine.

"Can I take you out again soon?" He asks. He wants to take me out again? So he doesn't know if he wants me to be his girlfriend. Oh shut up.

"Of course," I smile and lean in to kiss him again, and I fiddle with the door knob, thinking maybe I could get him to stay the night but he pulls away.

"Night Rita," he says and strokes my hair.

"Brad stay, I don't want to be alone," I look down and feel him lift up my chin.

"Alright, if you want me to." He smiles. I don't know where the confidence came from, I don't know how I managed to ask him to stay. I shut the door behind us and kick off my shoes, as my feet have been killing. We both walk to my bedroom and I take off his blazer, along with his shirt. I then leave him for a bit and change into my pjs in the en suite. When I get back there's a shirtless and no trousers on Brad, smiling at me. I climb into bed and he follows me, putting a hand under my head and around my waist, pulling me closer to him than I already was. I felt his breath against my neck as he rested his head there, and I couldn't help but feel more and more happy with him.

"Thank you for staying," I tell him.

"I remember you telling me how much you hated being alone, so I want to be here for you," he tells me. I don't need anyone else.
This chapter has been re written four times because I wasn't happy with it and I'm still not really, but you guys were bugging me to update so here it is.
Happy Halloween 🎃👻 do you celebrate it where you're from?
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy X

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now