Chapter 25: Coming Home

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Rita's POV,

It's been a good start to the day already, nothing like the other stressful days I've learnt to go with. It's nice having someone hold you all night, and to wake up to someone trying to impress you. Not that my Brad needs to impress me, he just needs to grow a few and ask me out. Sometimes I think it'll be me asking the question instead of him. But then I think he'd get the piss taken out of.

I mean, I understand maybe he's not ready. But I think he's dwelling on the past a bit now, he doesn't need to compare me to some slut who fucked his best friend. I'm not going to do that.  Yeah maybe his band mates are quite hot, but they're nothing like my Brad.

He's caring, and always watches my reaction to everything he does and says. He has these gorgeous brow curls and chocolate eyes that make me want to melt. What I'm saying is that why would someone feel the need to cheat on him?

Maybe he wasn't good in bed. My thoughts tell me. He never did anything, that's why. I remind myself. It's not all about having sex, though today's generation think so. All most boys care about is sex and getting nudes off of innocent girls who get tricked into it. There have been so many cases on the news of young girls nudes being spread all around social media. It's unfair.

Being a celebrity makes you be more cautious, because you can't risk a photograph like that slip out. Yeah, for some of my music videos I have been wearing barely anything, but that doesn't mean I'm naked. I wouldn't do that. I know my fans are of all ages, and even though some tweets are disturbing I wouldn't do it.

Brad has left to clean the house, he mentioned about his mum and sister coming home, meaning he had to make sure everything was alright. I messaged Ella but she was busy with her parents, and Anna was with James. Not surprised.

A day to myself didn't sound bad, but it didn't exactly sound great either. I hated being alone, I absolutely detest being alone. Having no one there to talk to is a pain, I'd love some company all the time.

Just ask Brad to move in. Yeah like he'd do that, he told me how he misses his mum and even though he's in the high teens how he still needs her. There's nothing bad with needing your mum, just mine was never around. Her movies and relationships with men other than my dad were always more important.

I'm jealous of everyone who can go to their mum and hug her, tell her they love her and receive some love back. I never got that. The moment I was signed with a record label she left. It's like she did it on purpose, I feel like she just sold me so she wouldn't have to deal with a teenager.

Never having that motherly figure surely made me miss a bit of my childhood, but I've always grown up faster, learning everything the hard way. Other than the management, no one told me what to and what not to do. It's like a part of me will always be missing.

But now I know that maybe that's not what I should be seeking anymore, this so called motherly love. Maybe it's time to search for the true love, for someone who will always be here for me and who I can trust with anything. Someone who won't leave because of my insecurities and stay no matter what. Even if we argue, that the person would try to make up with me after.

Only one name came to my mind as I thought that. Brad.

In my opinion he was perfect, and now even the management seem to be keen on him. So why can't we just try? I feel like we need to build up on trust, see what there is that we can do to gain more of it.

A relationship surely can't run without trust. I mean, I trust him a lot, but it's clear that maybe he doesn't trust me just as much. Maybe I should tell him about my past, tell him how I've felt and how much better it's all now. I don't know, that seems kinda, selfish? I wouldn't want it based around me, but then again, doesn't it show how much I trust him?

Eugh, having an argument with yourself really doesn't help. It's probably not normal either... I can't help the way Brad effects me though. It's like with him everything's fine, and without him it's not.

I never wanted to be dependant on one person, because don't they just always leave? Always find that one other person who they think is better than you? Of course they do. It's not only Brad who has those insecurities.

Once again, being a celebrity a lot of wrong articles get written. Like that time when I was a stripper. Yeah right. This could be hurtful if we got together I guess. People like to see drama and people breaking, some would do almost anything to let a couple brake up. Whether it's rumours or false assignations.

With everything going on I just don't know what to do. I want him but it's risky. Though, when I tweeted last night about them coming to the tour people seemed to be fine and happy. It's just, sometimes I'm ready to give up being this star they all see me as. Sometimes I feel like o should just give up.

But not right now. The tour is important for them, and for me. I have to give back to the fans what they do for me. However, if Brad wanted me to give up, I'd do it without thinking twice.

Hey! A bit of Rita's thoughts as I have something planned! Louisa won XFactor meaning Rita won❤️ her dress was amazing! I don't know if I'll be able to upload before my birthday, but I'll try my best because the next few chapters are important.
Go make sure you read AmazingFaithIsOnFire books because they're amazing okaii thanks!
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy X

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