Chapter 31: This Drink Could Be Our Last

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(So sorry it's been so long since last update. Had things going on such as college interview and prom dress shopping. Yesterday my cat died and I just don't have the energy. Apologies for slow updates and replies in advance. Enjoy 😘xx)

Rita's POV,

"You have everything?" Anne asks Brad and he wheel his suitcase into the tour bus.

"Yes mum, won't miss me too much will you?" He hugs her and Nat.

"Pfft you smell why would I miss you?" Nat jokes.

"She'll miss you just as much as me," his mum smiles. They both give me a quick hug too before we get into the bus and it starts to drive off. We were off to Tristan's house to pick up all of the others. Well, other than Quinn. Her parents wouldn't let her come, but she has tickets for 3 shows and we know she'll spend the day with us on those days too. Anna and James, Ella and Con and Tris were all at his house ready to be picked up. We were going to have two separate busses, but I've realised I don't need my own and can share with this lot.

"This is crazy," Brad whispers and puts his suitcase on his and mine bunk. I cope his actions, seeing he has chosen a top bunk. We had to share, and I didn't mind.

"It's not, you'll get used to it, girls screaming your name, 'Brad! Oh my god Brad fuck me!'" I say in a childish voice and burst out laughing causing him to go red.

"That was one time, can't you drop it?" He begs.

"No, I even followed the girl and she told me she's naming her babies after you," I keep laughing.

"Alright Rita, it's not that funny..." He tries to argue.

"Oh trust me, it soooooo is! What's funny is that it's like twelve year olds saying that to you, if people tell me they wanna fuck me it's usually older than twelve," I try to calm down my laughing but it's almost impossible. Almost.

"Well, tough luck to all of them," he hugs me from behind and I lean into him smiling. "Coz I'm not letting anyone touch you," he says protectively. No guys, a month after the new year and we are still not together. I don't know why, he's still not ready I guess.

"When are we meeting the five girls?" He asks.

"Fifth harmony? Tomorrow, they fly in today, but in the night so need sleep," before I know it the whole gang is on and we are celebrating the first night. I put a few selfies and videos is snapchat and one on my Twitter.

@RitaOra: love these people! Tour gonna be faaaaaab!

I attached an image of us all. This is going to be one crazy roller coaster ride.

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now