Chapter 10: Maybe We Should, Finish This Coffee First

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Brad's POV,
I woke up with my arms around someone, bringing them into my bare chest. First thing on my mind? Oh crap, not a one night stand. I then open my eyes and see the most gorgeous girl I could ever lay my eyes on. It was Rita. For some reason I got really happy with the fact that it was her in my arms. I know that we could never be a thing, I'm no one, and she's everything. That's the difference between us, everyone loves her, barely anyone knows me. She can get anything she wants, I on the other hand can't, so how would I be able to keep her happy if I couldn't get her everything she wanted? I know she said before that it was hard for her, but doesn't that mean she wants more? I guess I can't think of it much longer because she opens her eyes and they meet with mine. Why is she so gorgeous even the moment she wakes up?

"Morning," she says and cuddles into me, wait, she's cuddling into me? I mean, I'm not complaining, after all, it's what I have always wanted. To be able to hold Rita close and have her with me at all times and make her happy.

"Morning princess," I smile as she blushes and cuddles into my bare chest some more. Is this real life? I am so scared that this is just a dream and I will wake up soon, only to find out its all a dream and nothing actually happened.

"Stop it..." she giggles into my chest.

"Stop what princess?" I chuckle, she looks up at mean bites her lip.

"You're making me blush, that's silly..." she giggles and pecks my cheek. She just done that herself? I can't be dealing with this first thing in the morning!

"I'm sorry," I pout and she just smiles.

"Want some coffee and croissants?" She asks and I nod. She stretches then gets up, me following her and putting on my skinny jeans then meeting her in the kitchen. I like her apartment, it's nice and small, pretty cosy. It's just what she needs. But she hates being alone, and that's something I'd love to change. The thing is, I don't think her management would be happy if she needed up with someone like me.

"What you thinking about so hard rockstar?" She giggles as she puts the croissants on two different plates then goes to finish the coffees.

"How did you know I was thinking about something?" I question and go to her, slowly hugging her from behind, incase she didn't want to so she could stop me. She deserves the best, and I am not going to be forcing her into anything that she doesn't want to do.

"You were staring into one spot and biting your lip, so I gathered. So? What was it?" She asks leaning into me and adding sugar to the coffees.

"Just stuff, that maybe I should go home and change and shower so I don't smell!" I say and she giggles.

"You don't smell!" she tells me and turns around, probably not calculating the fact how close our faces are the moment she turns around. I can feel her warm breath on my neck and lips, and it's too much to not do anything about it. I pull her closer to me and look into her eyes, her doing the same and wrapping her soft hands around my neck.

"Kiss me rockstar," she demands, so I do exactly as she wants. I lean down slowly and hover my lips above hers, just to be a little bit of a tease. She groans and pulls me closer connecting my lips, making a smile spread on my lips as I kiss her. My hand cups her cheek as I kiss her, and my feelings go mad again. Kissing her is something I could do all the time, but I know that it's not a possibility so I slowly pull away and she just tries to pull me down for more.

"Princess, the coffees will go cold," I chuckle and let her go whilst she just rolls her eyes and put the coffees onto the island and sits down, me doing the same opposite her. I take a sip of the best made coffee ever, I wonder what she does differently to other people that her coffees are so good.

"Do you have any tattoos Bradley?" She asks me and I shake my head.

"I never thought about it," okaii, thats a lie, I wanted her song lyrics tattooed on my arm, but I'm not going to admit that to her.

"Fair enough, I have." She smiles.

"What would you want then princess?" I ask her and she blushes again, I'm getting the feeling that she will never get used to me calling her that word. Or maybe she will.

"Maybe I should get 'princess' tattooed on my collar bone." She tells me and it makes me smile.

"Then maybe I should get 'rockstar' on my collar bone too, why the collar bone though?" I question and her smile stretches when I tell her what tattoo I would want to get. I know what most people say. Why get a tattoo that represents someone because nothing lasts forever right? Well maybe because even if we don't go out or whatever, I will still love her. I loved her for years, and the fact that she accepts the nick name I have given her makes everything more real and better.

"I don't know, it will be noticeable, and I just always wanted a tattoo on my collar bone." She shrugs.

"Why don't I go home and shower and change, and then come and meet you and we can go get them done?" I offer and she smiles even more, getting out of her seat and hugging me.

"Yes!!!" She giggles, I would do anything for this girl...

Hey! So they're getting cute tattoos next are they?
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now