Chapter 7: Don't You Know You're My Baby

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Rita's POV,
He kissed me. Well, he kissed my cheek, but still.

I don't think I've had this much fun since I've got signed with my management. He showed me a new way to life, something I've obviously missed as a teen. Maybe being famous isn't something I really want, maybe it was before, but now? I don't think it is.

I like this. I like my freedom. He gives me freedom.

I bite my lip as soon as I shut my door behind me and look at the empty hall. I feel like a young teen having her first crush. Wait what? Maybe he's my crush? I barely know the guy. Yeah he was there to make me smile, but isn't that about it? I decide to not think about it, but instead go to bed. Taking off my clothes and putting on my white pj shorts and tank top I climb into bed, and as soon as my head hits the pillows I'm asleep.
I wake up alone in the room, I hate being alone. That's why yesterday was so nice, because I wasn't alone.

Sometimes I think that maybe I was destined to be alone and not have anyone there for me. Like I said before, mum is shooting her movie and doesn't even notice me. Did she just sign me to the management to get rid of me so she could do her own things? I shake my head of that thought and go and have a shower.

Standing there I feel much more relaxed, the water droplets landing on my skin making it nice and soft. I wash myself with my shower gel then wash my hair. Then I turn it off and step our, wrapping a towel around my body and hair, before walking out and looking for what to wear today. What's the plan? Nothing. I decide to go with some blue ripped skinny jeans and a white crop top, adding my bracelets and a necklace. I leave my hair down naturally and do natural make up. No one to impress, plus make up is for fame, not for me.

Looking through my fridge and cupboards I decide to just go with some cereal fro breakfast, I don't really fancy anything else. After breakfast I walk into my room and check my emails.

Dear Rita,
While you're in Birmingham we are still expecting some music to be done for your upcoming album. Don't think this is 100% free time. Please send us something as soon as you have something to show us. Maybe work on your 'Body On Me' song, since we like that.

Oh great. I was stupid if I thought this was my time to just be who I want to be. Never mind, I do like producing music, so it's not like I hate it or anything. I put up the lyrics on my screen, as I've finished the song, just need to think of a tune to go with it.

I pick up my guitar and strum a few chords, and humming the tune I imagine it to sound like.

After half an hour I sigh in frustration, not being able to put together the tune. Putting my guitar down, there's a knock on my door. The post!

I make my way to the door, and open it, revealing someone different than just a postman. It was Brad.

"Hey," he smiles, standing in my door.

"Hey, come in," I stand aside and let him in.

"Finally, it's been like 5 minutes I've been knocking for," he tells me as I shut the door behind him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was trying to put together a tune..." I look down and play with my hands. His hands make contact with mine and he leads me to my room.

"It sounded good Rita, why don't you like it?" He sits on my bed bringing me next to him.

"You thought it sounded good?" I asked, clearly shocked since I wasn't fine with it.

"Yeah, sing me a bit," he says and takes my guitar, checking it's in tune. So I sing him the first verse, he looks at me smiling, then thinks. "How about this?" He strums the guitar and plays the perfect tune. It sounded just like I wanted.

"Yes!" I hug him, forgetting the guitar between us, which doesn't allow our bodies to touch. His arms wrap around me gently, and we stay like that until we pull away. He take the piece of paper and pen and writes down the notes he played. "I didn't know you did music," I add as he finished writing it down.

"I love music, did it in school last year, thought I did well," he smiles proudly. It's good to know that he knows he's good.

"You can help me whenever you like," I wink and giggle, earning a smile from him.

"Whenever you need help I'll be there, well, here," he keeps smiling. He has such a nice smile, and he puts the guitar back on my bed.

"Want anything to drink?" I offer, breaking the comfortable silence as I watched him.

"I'll be alright," he gently declines.

"I make the best coffee," I offer, determined to keep him here as long as possible. I'm not alone.

"Alright then," I smile as does he, and I stand up, putting out my hand which he takes and stands up too, and I lead him to the kitchen. These weird feelings come back as our skin makes contact.

"Strong or weak?" I ask.

"Strong, you?" He asks back, I reach for the coffee and he stands behind me.

"S-same," I stutter and bring the coffee down from the cupboard. I feel myself leaning into him as I put the water to boil. His heart beat fastens, and he nervously wraps his hands around my stomach. I smile to myself and we stand like that until the water is boiled and I stand away from him getting the cups. I make the coffees and walk to the island.

"Thank you," he sits opposite me.

"Anytime," I smile at him and take a sip.

"So Rita, why are you in Birmingham?" He asks.

"Management. They thought it'd be easier for me to be away from London. I'm not really sure, maybe because I was always alone." I shrug.

"Ah, I promise you won't be alone anymore," he reaches for my hand and I let him take it. "I won't leave you," and with those words, I can confirm he is my crush.
Hey! He's such a cutie, let me have Brad.
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy X

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now