Chapter 29: Move My Way

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Rita's POV,

"I think that's the last box," Brad smiles and walks to me putting the box on the floor in my, well our bedroom and locks his hands around my waist.

"I'm so happy you've actually agreed to do this..." I trail off a bit. I didn't think it would be that easy for him to move in, I thought he'd be more attached to his mum and Nat. I guess it's the fact that it's just across the road, or that he has to get used to being away from them for tour next year.

"Why wouldn't I? It hurt for me to see you alone all the time, you deserve the best, and I'm happy I can make you feel safer," he tells me and kisses the top of my head.

What I don't understand is why we aren't an item yet. I was going to ask him, but surely the boys will take the piss out of him if I ask instead of him? I just want to be able to call him mine before the tour. Is that bad or good?

I smile and lean into him, hugging his torso and knowing that he's going to be here most nights and mornings now. It makes me realise how much I actually have become dependant on him throughout a few weeks. We haven't seen much of the others over Christmas, guessing they were all with their families, but we said we'd meet in 20 at the park.

"Do you have a skate board?" Brad asks me as I wiggle into my black ripped skinny jeans. I had on a fluffy white jumper and was putting on my white skater shoes.

"I have a penny board if that counts," I shrug not getting where's he going with this.

"We could skate down then? He suggests and I smile, nodding and looking where I put my penny board. I retrieve my white penny board with black wheels from my wardrobe and hold it close to me.

"Let's go then," I smile and go to walk off but he stops me.

"Can I steal a kiss first?" He looks down at me biting his lip nervously. I don't know why he's asking, maybe for the same reason I did the other night. I nod and lean up to connect our lips. I close my eyes and wait for our lips to connect.

The moment they do I feel electric sparks and butterflies fill my tummy. It's the effect he had on me and I couldn't deny it any longer. I was head over heels for a broken boy who was too scared to love, or to at least prove it. I think he's too scared I'll hurt him, which I wouldn't do, intentionally anyway.

He pulls away slowly and locks his eyes with mine, taking my free hand and intertwining our fingers picking his skate board up with his free hand. I take the keys and lock the door behind us, giving Brad the spare keys so he can get in and out whenever now. While we were with the others they mentioned Tris having a massive party for New Years, now that sounds like fun.
A small chapter just a filler before a party! Go check out alex_is_a_unicornn new book called Loving You With Hatred I'm in it! And it's an amazing book so go give her love!!!
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Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now