Chapter 11: Princess Rita

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Rita's POV,

He's going to get the same tattoo as me? Well not the same, but something which represents us? What are we though? Just friends? Friends suck, but I guess I can't really ask for more. I would hate to break his heart, and since n other relationship has ever lasted, I think I have a right reason to be afraid. But that's just it. I'm scared of hurting him but I am also scared of being hurt. In one way I don't think he would hurt me like ever, but there's this small part in me which suggests that nothing ever really lasts.

I decided to get ready while he is gone, shower would have to wait until this evening. I changed from my white pj bottoms and tank top to a white sort of crop top and short light blue ripped jeans. I put on a few necklaces and left my hair in it's natural curly state. I hated it sometimes, it took too long to do anything with. I put on some eye liner and lipstick and took my purse and phone, putting each into one of my jeans pockets. Yup, I think I was ready to go.

I would lie if I told you I wasn't scared, I clearly was, but doing this with him just feels like the right time to do it. What will the management say? I clearly couldn't give a damn, I don't have the time to let someone else control my life. That's what Brad gives me, he gives me freedom, and it's something I want to keep feeling.

"Ready?" His voice startles me a little, but I smile and hug him, before pulling away and going out of my apartment. I don't quite know how he got in, but I don't mind, it's only Brad.

"Of course, you sure you want to do this? A tattoo is usually for life," I challenge him.

"Of course I want to do this, why wouldn't I? And I wouldn't want it removed, I will get it done with the most gorgeous girl next to me, it will be the best memory for life." He winks and I immediately feel myself bush at his words. It's the effect he has on me.

"Well then, let's go," I take his hand and he intertwines our fingers as we make our way to the local tattoo place. The moment we walk in I'm fascinated. There are tattoo designs everywhere, disney characters, female bikers and words written in fancy writing. I look over at Brad and he gives me a brave smile, and I go to look through the words. I see it. Princess. It has a little crown on the top of the P, this is perfect. I smile and as does he.

"It'd look good on you Princess," he smirks and the tattoo guy comes.

"It'd be the first time I do this one, no one has chosen it before," he tells me.

"So I'd be the first to have it?" I asked and he nodded. I smiles and gave it to him.

"What about you young man?" He then asks Brad.

"I'll have this please," Brad hands him a fancy written RockStar. I can't believe that he is doing this with me, I just know I wouldn't do it alone.

"Who wants to go first?" He asks and I look at Brad.

"I'll go first," he smiles and I watch him as he sits in the chair. Brad tells him that he wants it on the left collar bone and he draws the tattoo in a pen, which he then goes over with the tattoo gun. It's fascinating to watch, maybe if I wasn't a famous pop singer I would be a tattooist. It's my turn next, while they put some cling foil on Brad. I sit on the chair but wait for Brad to be here and hold out my hand.

"Did it hurt loads?" I asked as he took it and kissed my hand.

"No beautiful," he smiles and I swear I'm blushing again, great. I tell the guy I want it on my right collar bone, so if I walk with Brad our tattoos can meet, well if I walk on the left of him anyway. He nods and cleans my skin then draws it. I feel the needle insert into my skin once and it just tickles to be honestly. I smiles at Brad and he kissed my hand again, he will be the death of me. I completely forget that I am even getting a tattoo done thanks to Brad being my distraction. Does this mean that he can heal my pain?

"All done, oh and Rita? Could you maybe sign us a copy of your cd? We play it often in the store," I smile and nod, whilst he puts cling foil over my new tattoo. I then take Brad's hand again and we both go to pay for our tattoos as well as me signing the CD case.

"You hungry?" He asks and I shake my head. "Well I am, mind if we stop by somewhere?" He asks.

"Maybe I could do with some chicken nuggets?" I giggle.

"A celebrity goes to McDonalds?" He asks shocked.

"Oh my god Brad of course! It's like all of my good childhood memories, we used to go to McDonalds if I did well in school or something. It was like a treat" I smile as does he.

"Let's go and get a big share of chicken nuggets then," He walks on the right of me so our tattoos are together. This is crazy. I think I love him, but I can't can I? No one has ever treated me so well, cared for me so well. Not even my mum, she was always busy with her filming or some stuff like that. Dad? I don't remember much of him, unfortunately we lost him to cancer, which is what my next tattoo is going to be, a cancer sign.

"I'll order, you sit down okaii princess?" He says and I kiss his cheek smiling, that's when a flash goes off. Oh no...
Oh no...
Guys please try to understand that this is my final year in school and updating may be late.
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy X

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