Chapter 22: I Found A Girl

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(Tried for a Brad follow got a Waddy one instead XD)

Brad's POV,

I could believe I was walking down the street holding her hand again. I should get the guts to ask her to be mine, because I just keep going around it. We're doing everything a couple would, so why is it so hard for me to ask her? Maybe I think that if we're not a thing and break up that or something happens that it won't hurt as much. It's stupid it'll hurt still.

"Mr Simpson, you're hot when you're in deep thoughts," Rita giggles as we approach the same park we were in yesterday. Yes, the one where I stormed off like an idiot.

"Shhhhh," I smiled because her words meant a lot to me in all honesty, it's like only her opinion matters to me.

"JAMES YOU OWE ME A TENNER!" Anna shouts as she runs up to Quinn.

"Fuck that shit," James rolls his eyes and looks for a ten pound note to give it to her.

"Wait how did Brad bank himself a Rita?" Quinn says as she looks at me and Rita.

"Yeah nice to see you too Quinn," I let go of Rita's hand and gave her a friendly hug. Quit has a slim and quite tall figure, plays netball for our school, well, played. She's smaller than Tris but taller than me.

"Yeah lovely to see you, hey Rita I'm Quinn," she offers Rita a hug and she accepts it.

"No point to introduce myself really is there?" She giggles and I hug her from behind. In all honesty there's nothing to stop me from asking her to be mine, but there needs to be a perfect moment.

"You two a thing?" Quinn. Shut. Up. I love Quinn she's a great friend, but she's well known for telling her thoughts and what she wants to know.

"No..." I answer quietly and was about to let go of Rita when she leaned into me to stay close, so I did.

"Working on it," Rita sends her a smile and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Well, it'd be good if I told you guys something..." Tris speaks up.

"Well?" Anna asks putting the tenner James has given her in her back pocket.

"Me and Quinn have been seeing each other for a while now, and yeah, I did ask her out," he smiles and as do we.

"So you guys together?" I smirk looking at Quinn who sticks her tongue out at me.

"Yes we are," Tris adds. We let the girls to get to know each other while the three of us kick around with the ball.
Connor and Ella have now joined us, Ella with the girls and Con here with us.

"I don't see why you are such a dick and won't just ask her out, it's clear what her answer would be..." Con rolls his eyes earning a soft punch from me on his arm.

"Because of her management, her fans, and I don't know don't want to complicate her life because I'm in it you know?" I tell them.

"In all honesty it feels like you make her smile more and that she's enjoying herself?" James adds in. "Anna said that she opened up to her, telling her how much she likes you and how she hasn't felt what she feels now before," he adds.

"What if that something is only here though? In Birmingham? But when she leaves to go tour; what then?" I ask scares.

"She'd probably take you with her, or try to anyway. Brad you need to open your eyes man, this is ridiculous." Tris pinches me a bit as if to wake me from a dream.

"I don't know... I still remember what happened last time I dated someone, and Rita is famous! Articles get written daily about her where a outs and who with! I'd just be jealous and she doesn't need that does she?" I sigh.

"I think that you're overthinking this too much mate," Con chips in again.

"I agree," James speaks up.

"A good relationship needs to be stable and both have to know what they want." I said simply.

"Well hurry the fuck up Brad, because if you don't make a mood she could get bored..." Tris makes me realise.

"She says she's fine waiting," I tell him remembering back to the conversation we had.

"But she won't wait forever, have you thought about what will happen when she goes back to tour?" Con asks curiously.

"I don't want to think about that..." I sigh.

"Well, she could asks us to be a starting act..." James throws in carefully.

"James we don't even have a manager," Tris tells him.

"We have Joe," he says defensively.

"When has he given us a gig to do last?" Joe is indeed our manager, though lately he hasn't got us a gig anywhere.

"Because I asked! I wanted to pass my tests..." James admits and we all understand, it was stressful enough.

"But if you asked Rita... It could be a break through for us..." Con realises.

"Guys I'm not asking her!" I sigh in frustration.

"Brad consider it, for us?" Tris asks. I nod, but how awkward would it be? It could look like I'm just using her to get to fame, which I'm not. I looked over at her and saw her giggling with the three girls, sipping on some sort of ice tea and nibbling on nachos they must of got. She was so perfect and I know by being a fan how much others must want her to be theirs. I have to man up and think of something, and fast.
Hey guys! How are you all? It's 1st of December, which means 19 days til my birthday!!!
What do you think, should Brad ask Rita or not? Why?
Vote, Comment and DM!
~ILoveYouBraddyBoy X

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