Chapter: Baby That's What I'm Here For

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Brad's POV,

I looked at Rita and knew that getting food right now was out of the question. She was biting her lip stood there looking at me, so I grabbed her hand and started to run. And we ran and ran. We lost the paparazzi quite quickly, but I knew she wouldn't want to stop just yet. We got to the apartments and she quickly unlocked it, dragging me in with her and then into her flat. The moment she shut the door behind she burst out laughing. Before I know it I join in with her, it was quite a bit of adrenaline which went through the both of us as we ran, I have to be honest that it was quite fun to just run.

"I'm so sorry," she wipes a few of her tears from laughter from under her eyes careful not to smudge her make up.

"What for?" I quickly ask.

"You're going to be stalked by like all the fans, paparazzi will make up loads of random crap that ends up with you being a murderer or something," she tries to calm down so it's just giggles instead of full on laughter.

"Oh, that kind of happened already when you replied to my tweet once," I tell her and she calms down and just smiles.

"And sorry for the full on laughter, I hate my laugh," she then adds. Why does she hate so many things about her?

"Why? It's nice, your laugh suits you princess," I tell her and she blushes walking into the living room and sitting on the sofa.

"Thank?" it comes out more as a question from her, and she takes my hand leading me to sitting room and onto the sofa.

"Any time," I smile at her and sit down, still holding her hand in mine and intertwining out fingers together. My phone starts vibrating like mental and Rita just sadly smiles at me. I pull it out and there's loads of tweets mentioning both Rita and I. I unlock my phone and pull Rita closer, waiting for the tweet to load and the link I clicked to open.

Rita Ora and so called Brad Simpson?

Rita Ora has been spotted kissing Brad Simpsons (17) cheek, at a local McDonalds in Birmingham. The pair had raw tattoos on their collar bones which were seen, which suggests to us that they got them done together. Does 'princess' and 'rockstar' have a special meaning for these two love birds? Are they together? Do you guys ship Brita? We know we do! If we have more information about the two we will let you know, we wish Rita the best and hope to hear new music soon.

I  look over at Rita and see her frowning slightly. But they haven't exactly made it a bad thing have they? They made us look cute and put nothing in the article that is against Rita. Maybe she didn't want to be seen with me? Maybe that's it. She doesn't actually like me, I just make moves and she doesn't want me to be embarrassed so she lets me kiss her. But then she wouldn't get that tattoo would she?

"What's wrong princess?" I ask her and squeeze her slightly. She smiles as she looks at me then looks down at her hands and frowns again.

"It's just, I came here to write for my second album and to relax, instead, I'll be in the press with a new lover, how do you think the management will interpret this?" She sighs. I've forgotten about that and instead though about myself. I'm such a dick, and she probably deserves much better than me. Some well known celebrity, which will make her more popular. Oh what the hell am I saying?

"It'll be fine, you'll see," I say and kiss the top of her head. Her phone goes of and she pulls herself away from me.

"Management," she whispers slightly, stands up and walks to her bedroom. I decide that I should just let her sort it, if she needs me I'm sure she'll ask for me. I just sit there, waiting for her to finish when my group conversation on Facebook goes off, here we go.


Con: Cella sounds good too right? I ship that more.

James: Oh shut up you two, he pulled!

Anna: Oh yeah, that's all you care about.

Con: Yeah James...

Ella: xD

Bradley: Erm, guys?

Tris: What have I missed while being in Spain?

Ella: Nothing much, just that Rita and Brad are probably a thing by now.

Tris: WHAT?! Explain?

Bradley: I'll explain later. Guys she's in trouble with the management, for that article, which is how you guys clearly know.

Anna: In trouble for being seen with you?

Bradley: Yeah...

James: If you two wanna we could all meet up somewhere to get her mind off of it?

Ella: Yeah, I've not really met her yet...

Con: You'll get to soon,

Bradley: We could all meet at mine if Rita is up to it? I'll message you guys if she is?

Tris: Sure, be nice to see you all anyway, not that you missed me.

Bradley: Baby, I will always miss you.

Anna: If Brad didn't kiss Rita the other day I'd swear you two were gay.

Tris: Rita is a cover up;)

Bradley: Shut up she's coming now, bye.


Con: Nah mate, use protection.

I laugh at their immatureness and bring my attention to Rita who has sat back down next to me and was biting her lip.

"Bad?" I question and she shrugs.

"I don't know, on one hand they said maybe it'll inspire me to write better songs, as since we've been talking and spending time together I've written and sent off three. But they're also scared that you're a distraction. I told them we're not together, then they were unsure. Management think different things, sometimes I feel like they are inhuman with no feelings." She tells me and I pull her into me.

"Princess I'd clearly ask for you to be mine, but I want to know you better, and for you to know me better. I don't even know how you feel about me, and I don't want to be a distraction to you at all." I honestly tell her.

"Rockstar, you're not a distraction at all," she straddles me which takes me by surprised. She then kisses me onto my lips, her right hand getting tangled in my hair whilst her left hand finds my right. I smile into the kiss and put my left around her waist. She pulls away. "Does that tell you at all about how I might be feeling?" She keeps biting her lip and I nod. Maybe it's time she meets all of the gang, and I better start planning something good enough...


Hey! I'm so sorry I've not updated in a few days. I'm going through a bit of a hard time, so please don't keep messaging and spamming me asking to update. If I haven't, it means I probably can't. Vote, Comment and DM! ~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now