Chapter 8: I Need Love So I Can Learn

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Brad's POV,
"How about a walk in a park?" Rita suggests as we walk out of her apartment.

"Sounds nice," I smile and my hand finds hers. My feeling go mad as she intertwines her fingers with mine. I wonder if she feels it too, these feelings that I get. I wonder if maybe, just maybe she is developing feelings for me and one day will be happy because I can make her happy.

I want her to be free from management and experience the teen life she clearly has been lacking. I take the time we walk in comfortable silence to study her.

She has cute dimples, and hair which flows down her back. Her eyes were focuses on our hands and she was biting her lip. Was she thinking of us? Maybe that there could be an us?

I can't believe this. First, she was a poster in my room and was all I dream about. Now? Her hands are intertwined with mine and we are walking to the park. It's a simple place, but maybe simple is what she needs right now?

"Earth to Brad?" She giggles. Her giggle makes me smile, she just makes me smile. Oh god. I must of been properly out of it.

"Sorry, was just thinking about stuff, ah look, James and Anna!" I smile and thank god that there was some thing to get off the topic. As soon as Anna spots us she runs from James and hugs Rita, meaning our hand got torn apart and I made my way to James.

"Holding hands with the pop star are we now?" He teases, and I watch her and Anna giggle at something one of them has said.

"She's actually here James, she holds my hand and talks to me," I whisper more to myself than to him.

"I know, I spoke to her too," he chuckles. "She trusts you you know that right?" He points out.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"She trusts you to be with her, she doesn't like being alone," he tells me.

"Honestly? I can't help but want to make her smile and show her what she has been missing because of management. I don't want to leave her in the evening, but I know I can't just stay with her over night." I sigh. I didn't want to leave her side at all, I felt like she needed me more than she really did.

"Have you hinted how you feel about her?" He asks me and her and Anna start to approach us.

"No, hunt anything and you're a dead man," I warn and he just chuckles then opens his arms for Anna. She immediately walks into them and cuddles into him, they're so cute together, I don't think anyone would want to split the two, like ever.

I smile at Rita and she stands close to me, reaching for my hand and intertwining out fingers whilst looking at them. I smile and kiss the top of her head, causing her to look at me. In that moment it was just her and I. I wanted to kiss her, and I wanted the kiss to be what she expects it to be. She starts to lean in, so I allow myself to as well. Her lips slowly land on mine and they're soft and warm, and mouldy perfectly with mine. She's kissing me and I'm kissing her back. Is this real life? All these weird feelings are everywhere.

"Guys no PDA please," James chuckles and Rita pulls away too quickly for my liking and hides in my chest.

"I forgot you were here," she blushes into my chest and I wrap my arms around her. Anna smiles at us two and James lifts his eyebrows.

"Wonder what Ella would say, probably laugh with you because you've proved us wrong, miracles can happen," James chuckles and I send him a look.

"Talking of the devil and her boyfriend," Anna points out and Ella gasps, running (literally, and let me tell you she never runs!) towards me and pushing me over. Luckily Rita stepped away.

"I bloody told you Brad I did!" She hugs me and we both laugh. "Never give up on your dreams because they come true!" She says and sits up before standing off me and holding Con's hand. Rita looks confused as hell.

"Everyone kept telling me how liking you is probably the most pathetic thing ever, because I never met you and was in love with what I knew about you. Even the boys took the mickey. Except Ella, she believed." I freeze after I realised I just told her that I actually really liked her, though if she saw my tweets I'm sure she knew already right?

"Never give up," she gives me her hand and helps me up. "I literally just kissed you," she then whispers in my ear causing a smile to spread on my face.

"Game of footie?" Con suggests and shows us the football he has brought. Ella and the boys nod.

"Think Rita and I will stay here and chill," she looks at Rita and she nods. Anna and her seem to get on well, I hope Ella and her get along just as well, because they both mean the world to me.

A good few hours later we decide we had enough as it was getting quite cold, typical Birmingham. I give my jumper to Rita so she isn't cold and she puts it on, looking even cuter than she already was.

"You play quite good," she blushes as she unlocks the door to her apartment.

"Thanks, prefer music," I honestly answer and she walks in. "Well, I guess I should leave you now right? Night Rita," I tell her and stand there.

"No! I mean..." She sighs and pauses. "A coffee?" She giggles and I nod. How could I say no to her? She means the world to me and I think I might be involved in hers.
feel free to shoot me for not updating! the fair is in town so I'm spending my teenage life on the streets for three days, and manage to revise for tests! how do I do it I'm not sure! THE SONG CHEATER IS AMAZING.
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now