Chapter 6: When You're Feeling Low On Love I'll Be What You Dreaming Of

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Brad's POV,

Rita Ora hugged me. Rita Ora drank coffee with me. I held Rita Ora's hand. She trusts me. And I felt these weird emotions rushed through me, surely she felt them too? I think and deeply hope she felt them too.

She was so beautiful, with no make up, and messy hair. It still went down to her butt. You could tell she ran out to see me, as she only grabbed her phone, keys and a hoodie to wear. She didn't need make up or over the top clothes to look beautiful to me. Is this real life?

I decide to call James, just because I invited her without checking with him first.

"Brad don't tell me you're not coming tonight because I swear to god-" I cut him off.

"No James," I chuckle, "I was actually calling to ask if I could bring a plus one?" I bite my lip asking.

"Anna did I just hear that right?" James chuckles, I guess I'm on loud speaker.

"Brad who are you brining? I hope it's not Ella because Con won't be happy," she giggles. I swear no one ever takes me seriously.

"It's not Ella, you'll see when we arrive, is it too much of a bother to book another space?" I ask.

"Not a problem at all, we shall see you at six yeah?" He double checks.

"Yeah, we will be there," I smile and hang up.

BradleySimpson: I'll pick you up around half five is that alright? Xx

I wasn't expecting for her to reply as quickly as she did.

RitaOra: Of course, I'm excited, I'll see you then xx

Life is good right now. It's a shame that mum isn't here, I'd tell her everything right now. But she's somewhere up in the air anyway so, not much I can do...
I nervously buzz the ringer for her flat, and wait for her to come down. The moment the door opens my head snaps in her direction, she had a while crop top with a jean sort of jacket thing and some blue jeans along with black high heels (picture). She looked gorgeous.

"Earth to Brad?" She giggled, making a smile spread on my face.

"Yeah he's here," I smile at her. She looks down and bites her lip.

"I've not been aloud out since like forever. I don't think I know how to still have fun..." She sighs. I lift her head up slowly, and look into her eyes.

"Just take my hand, and you'll be fine," I offer her my hand. "But I understand if you don't want to," I then add. She shakes her head and takes my hand. Those feelings, it feels like my stomach is filled with butterflies which are fighting for love. I don't know.

We walk, and talk about anything and everything, and I can see she's comfortable around me. I want to show her how to live and be free again, and to ignore negativity in life. Maybe I'll be the one who helps her back on track. Not that she isn't now, she just needs to get a taste of a teenager life.
"Brad!" Anna runs at me and gives me a hug, causing me to let go of Rita's hand and hug her back.

"Hey Anna," Anna has her hair up in a ponytail and her make up done naturally, not that she needed it. She was shorter than me, which is rare, and made her and James even cuter, because of their height difference. She wore black ripped jeans and a dark crop top, with James's leather coat, it was massive on her, but once again, that just made them cute. I let her go and had a man hug with James.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet Rita," I stand with her and she's biting her lip, looking at Anna and James. They both looked shocked, but smile.

"I'm James, and this is my girlfriend Anna," James's introduces himself and pulls her in for a hug. Rita hugs him back and then does the same with Anna.

"Well I'm Rita," she smiles at them and we go in, James sorts out the reservation while Anna giggles along with Rita at something she has said. I go to James and he smiles.

"Now tell me how you got Rita to come?" He chuckles. I tell him all the events of today whilst the lady behind the counter gets everything ready.

We change our shoes for bowling ones and go through. Rita's hand finds my own, and we sit down at the booth with Anna and James.

"How long have you two been together then?" Rita asks them as we look through the menu for drinks.

"Over 5 years," Anna replies and James pulls her closer.

"Yeah, young school love that lasted for ages I guess, I wouldn't change her for the world," James kisses the top of her head.

"It's great to see that there is love out there," she smiles. James gives me a look that screams 'if she knew' and I just shook my head.

"Here are your drinks, and you are lane number 2, enjoy your night," a waitress tells us and we nod. I look into the lane and we were playing in teams. Brita vs Janna.

"What the hell?" I question.

"Well I was out on the spot to make a name, so I put your two names together and then Janna has always been a thing so..." James shrugs. I look at Rita.

"It's fine, lets beat them," she smiles and stands up, waiting for me to take her hand, which I took as soon as I could.

Anna went first, and knocked them all down. She ran into James and he hugged her. They were perfect, I hope one day to be like them. I'm surprised they're not engaged yet, five years is a long time, I guess they're just still quite young.

Rita went next, and knocked down 4 then then remaining 5, meaning that she got a spare. She came over and only gave me a high five. I knew it wouldn't be the same reaction as Anna gave James. Oh well?

James was next, and we know he sucks, well Rita doesn't. It goes into the gutter and down on his first go, then he knocks down two.

"I still love you baby," Anna hugs him as he pretends to cry on her should, making Rita chuckle.

I went last, and got a strike. When we were younger, Anna and I did some classes on bowling, so we aren't exactly easy to beat. I winked at Rita and she blushes. She blushed? So I can make the Rita Ora blush. I need to stop referring to her like that.

She's also just a human. By the end of the night Rita and I won, only because James let Anna down miserably.

"Get Anna to teach you for next time," Rita smiles.

"Not a bad idea!" Anna giggles. "Well sorry to be a burden but dad will kill James if we don't make it back to mine before 11," she adds and hugs both Rita and I goodbye and her and James leave.

"Shall we get our shoes back?" I suggests and she nods. Once we have our shoes I take her hand and we walk out. During the journey to her house we once again spoke about anything and everything. She's just so easy to talk to, I love her. Don't act surprised, haven't I always?

"Thanks for walking me back Bradley," I loved it when she said my full name.

"It's not a problem," I smile at her.

"Could I maybe have your number? Incase I get lost in Birmingham or some thing?" She asks nervously giving me her phone. I nod and take it, putting in my mobile number and home phone, Incase its an emergency so if I'm busy at least someone can help her. I save it under Bradley💕 and give it back to her.

"Thank you for a nice evening, I would of been third wheeling with those guys..." I chuckle and she smiles.

"It was nice to hang out with you," she adds. I look into her eyes feeling the urge to kiss her soft pink lips. Instead, being the gentleman I am, I leave her with a peck on the cheek.

"Night Rita," I smile and see she's once again blushing.

"Night Brad," she replies and goes into the building. Tonight has been the best night of my life, and I'll be texting Nat and Mum the moment I get home.
I'm proud of how long this is. They're are goals, she's like the only person I'd allow Brad to date other than me;) I joke, his choice, but Rita would be a good one.
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy X

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