Chapter 28: Another World

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Brad's POV,

Mum and Nat accept her. They think Rita is the one for me just as much as I do and always have done. I know how cliche, but I think she is the girl I really need, I don't need anyone else but her. Other than mum, Nat and Jessie of course!

Even though Rita was ready to go home yesterday, I've persuaded her to spend the night with me at ours. Once mum heard me mentioned it she helped me persuade her. I think she didn't want to 'ruin' our family time as she says, but she is a part of our family.

Even if we are not together, even if just as a friend, she's close to our family now. Even if we never get together, which I hope we will, she will have a special place in my heart.

Holding her as she sleeps is something amazing for me. I started of as a stupid fan. A fan! But here I am, still mesmerised by having her so close to me, our bodies touching and her feeling safe around me.

My mum Knicks softly then pops her head around the door and smiles at me, seeing Rita still asleep. She nods at me, and I know she means that there's food down ready. She seems happy, happy for me?

Mum didn't really approve of my girlfriends that I usually brought home. She knew they were trouble when they walked in (see that link I just made?) she knew with Lydia, I was just too blind to see and always defended her. Now I look to my mum, because clearly she knows better than me.

I took this time to study her a bit more, looking at her sleeping peacefully. Her eyes were shut lightly and she was cuddled into my chest, her breathing light too. She put her hair in a messy bun before bed to avoid it from knotting or something like that, I wasn't too sure. I had to get some make up wipes off of Nat, so she was her natural self.

I never understood why girls wore all this make up, most of them, let me correct myself, all of them don't need it. They all get insecure because of society and what they put out a perfect girl to be like. Twig skinny, loads of make up. No. You all look fake.

You're perfect the way you are, and you weren't born to please everyone. People who tell you different are wrong.
I was on my phone with Rita still asleep cuddles up to me. Something is telling me that when she sleeps alone she doesn't get very much sleep.

"Brad?" Her voice distracts me from my phone making me lock it and put it away and look down at her.

"Yes princess?" A smile and she blushes, pulling the covers closer to her, as if she was cold or hiding. She giggles a little and cuddles up to me more, making me smile instantly. I put my arms around her for support.

"I've had an amazing time, thank you so much for making me stay, and even come, I'd be alone otherwise." She sadly smiles and rests her head on my chest completely as if she was listening to my heart beat. I let my hand take down the messy bun so her hair runs free, and I play with her hair.

"I'm glad you've stayed, it's been amazing with you here, a little different since dad isn't around. And princess if it was up to me, you wouldn't be alone at all, you're always welcomed to spend the night here." I smile down at her.

"But I wouldn't want to intrude your time with your family," she sighs a little. I feel like talking about families isn't easy for her, as she doesn't really have one. Her mum doesn't care and she doesn't know who her dad even is. It's not the way to treat such a perfect girl!

"You are family though Rita, mum and Nat accept you, and they haven't done that to a girl before, not even Lydia and I was with her for a year. Rita you'll always be welcomed here no matter what is or isn't going on with us. We don't mind being a family." I don't know, I kind of mumbled off the last part but I think she got the idea, as she squeezed me tighter and smiled.

"There's something you could do... If you wanted, about me being lonely..." She begins.

"I'm listening beautiful," I smile and she supports herself on her elbows so she can look at me. Her long blonde hair falls by the sides of her face and there's a slight spark in her eyes.

"Well, if you were up for it, you could move in with me?" She suggests biting her lip, getting me completely off focus to what she was saying. She is so hot doing that, and I need to focus and answer her question.

"If you'd like me to, it would mean waking up to my ugly messy curls," I joke and stick my tongue out pointing my hair.

"It would be amazing, wait is that a yes?" She looks at me seriously.

"Of course! I mean, it's just across the road, so it's not like I'm moving thousands of miles away" I smile and she squeals, jumping a little then hugging me, getting herself to straddle me and hug me. I wouldn't say I didn't like it, I was just scared she would regret it.

"Can I kiss you?" She asks biting her lip. I don't know why she is asking me, but I nod, giving her this access she has been asking for.

She leans down and connects our lips, being gentle and passionate. I need to call her mine.
If you have read my 3 'MADLEY' books I can now confirm the final fourth book! It's on my profile so go and check it out!
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy X

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now