Chapter 27: Merry Trismas

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Rita's POV,

Christmas was probably the worst time of the year for me. You're probably thinking, oh my god Rita the Scrooge. No, I have my own reasons for it. Every Christmas I spend it alone.

I make a meal just for me, and light a candle. I don't bother getting presents, because no one is ever there to get one for. I used to send one to my mum, but when she told me she hated them all and to stop trying to contact her.

Everything just made me hate Christmas. I guess I was and probably still am jealous of people who have their family there. This year I did get Brad something little, just because I felt like maybe for the first time I had someone here for me. I didn't know when I would see him, letting him stay with his family, because I know how important they are to him.

@RitaOra: Another Christmas Alone! Merry Christmas Everyone 🎅🏻

After I tweet out I go and put on some more appropriate clothes such as black ripped jeans and a Christmas jumper. Not really knowing what to do I sit on the sofa, and reply to some tweets others have mentioned me in. There's a knock on the door, so I get up and go to answer.

"I don't want you to be alone for Christmas..." Brad stands there looking straight at me.

"Brad, go back home, you've got your mum and Nat to be with, I will just go and finish my tea," I leave him at the door and sit back on the sofa, picking up my cup of tea. The door closes and I think he got the idea.

"No princess, I don't want you to be alone," he takes the cup off of me and puts it on the table. He then takes my hand and gets me to stand up and engulfs me into a hug. I hug him back and take in his scent, relaxing into his body.

"But," I try to start but he cuts in.

"No buts, even you know you prefer to have me here..." He keeps holding me close.

"But it's not what I prefer but where you should really be..." I pull away and he smiles looking at me.

"Well that's why I am here," he adds.

"No Brad," I try to say but once again he cuts me off.

"Mum said to bring you over for lunch, you can spend time with us, and meet them. And you won't be alone Rita," he takes my hand and squeezes them.

"Brad I really don't want to intrude," I sigh and look away from him. His hand lets go of my right one and gently moves my face so I am looking at him again.

"You won't intrude. Rita you mean the world to me, and Christmas is about family and... Friends?" He says unsure and I just nod.

"Alright fine," I agree even though I'm not sure. Brad leads me out of my apartment and to their household. The moment we walk in the smell of Christmas dinner fills my nose. It smells like home. I take off my black heels I quickly put on and hold Brad's hand. Should I be holding his hand though? He gives it a reassuring squeeze as if he knew I was doubting it and lead me through the house.

It's all familiar to me, from when we stayed here a few times. The family photographs on the wall and the flowers in their pots. Suddenly
I wasn't so afraid of spending Christmas with someone else.

"Mum? This is Rita, Rita this is my mum," he introduces us.

"Nice to meet you darling," she smiles and hugs me, meaning I had to let go of Brad's hand and politely hug her back.

"And you Mrs Simpson," I don't know how else to address her.

"Oh no sweet I'm Anne," she smiles and lets me go. "Oh Brad call Nat down to the living room would you?" She smiles and starts to dish up.

"Sure mum," he goes up and leaves me here. Ah thanks man...

"Can I help with anything?" I politely ask.

"You could help me take the plates next door? Everything else is set up, it's so nice of you to join us," she smiles and passes me two plates to take in while I take the other two. I set them down to see Brad and his sister Nat, she's so pretty, I think it just runs in their family.

"Oh my gosh I didn't believe him when he said you were down here and to not be embarrassing!" Nat said and hugged me.

"Oh," I giggle and hug her back. "I'm sure you're not embarrassing," I smile.

"Oh trust me," she pulls away and sits next to her mum, leaving me a space next to Brad. "I could be embarrassing if I wanted, like that time when Brad was 8 and thought he was a-"

"Alright Nat, we don't need examples," Brad quickly buts in.

"Alright you two, let's just say the prayer so we can eat," she smiles and and looks at me. "Ever since Nat and Brad were little we always said a little thank you, you're welcomed to join us," Anne smiles and they hold each other's hands. I smile and hold Brad's and then Anne reaches across for mine.

"I thank lord for allowing us all to be healthy," Anne keeps hers short.

"I thank lord for having my family when I need them," Nat says hers.

"I thank lord for giving me people who bring out the better of me," Brad smiles. They all look at me and I think a moment.

"I thank lord for not having to spend Christmas alone," I smile and we all start eating.
They opened presents, and I just sat and watched, I had Brad's under the tree, I asked if it was fine to put it down and they said it's fine. There were two presents left under the tree, the one from me and one other. Nat reaches for the one for Brad and gives it to him, then looks at the last one.

"There you go Rita," she smiles. What?

"For me? Why? I, thank you?" I take it and see them all smile. I open it to reveal a beautiful necklace, with a little crown bead. I look at Brad who is looking back at me.

"Nat would you help me with the plates please?" Anne says and Nat nods, leaving me and Brad together.

"Brad honestly you didn't have to," I smile.

"Neither did you, but you still got me these," he smiles holding up the bag of personalised guitar picks. "Can I put it on?" He asks and I nod. He takes the necklace and I lift my hair.

His hands made slight contact with my skin, causing goose bumps to create on it. The necklace was made for me, it fit perfectly, he was so thoughtful. I turned around and looked up into his eyes.

"Thank you," I breathed out.

"I thank you," he smiles. He leans down and connects our lips. A flash covers the room and we both pull away, me looking down at me feet blushing.

"Now that is a Christmas photo I'm sure you'll both cherish," Anne smiles and soon my Twitter buzzes.

@AnneMarie: my Christmas has been complete with Nat, Brad and Rita❤️ *attached image*

I smile and retweet it, saving the photograph of us kissing and setting it as my phone background.
Merry Christmas everyone ❤️

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