Chapter 14: I Had To Ask, If You Already Had Dinner Plans

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Brad's POV,

It's been two days, and I've not seen Rita since that time I fell asleep with her in my arms. When I woke up she was gone, leaving me a written message on the pillow. 

Morning Rockstar,

I've gone home, dedicating today to song writing! I'll text you soon? Your Princess xx

But you see, two days later and she still hasn't text me at all. At first I thought she needed space, so I left her be, but when I saw on her twitter that she spent the whole of yesterday with Anna and Ella I got slightly upset. So she didn't need me anymore? Or did she just not care now? 

After I had a shower, I decided that maybe I should text her? Maybe that's what she's waiting for. 

1 Text To: Princess 

Morning princess, you busy today? x

I knew that expecting a quick answer was a long shot, so I left my phone on the side and opened up my iMac, looking through Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr. What, all three of those websites are amazing, they're all I had at a certain point. A few favourited tweets, liked statuses and reblogged photographs I still had no reply from Rita. I was slightly worried, maybe she was in trouble? Oh don't be stupid Brad. She's probably just busy with song writing. That's when I get an idea. 

I put on some black skinny jeans, a plan white top and some shoes and make my way to the shop. As I arrive I go to the sweet section and get some Galaxy chocolate, Skittles, Strawberry laces and one drumsticks, couldn't leave the shop without my drumsticks. (For those that don't know it's a lollipop!) I pay for all of my items I've picked up and make my way to Rita's. The worst thing she'd do is she'd kick me out right? Then I would know where I stand...

My hands were shaking, I was sort of afraid. What happens if she has someone else there, I mean, we were never in a relationship, I never asked for her to be mine. I am still trying to figure out the best date and then the best way to ask her to be mine, I'm just worried that it's far too early.  Instead of going to her apartment, I head back to mine, something inside me made me not go to hers, and instead back to mine and lock myself in my room. 

It's times like these that I wish mum and Nat would be back already, I missed those two, even though Nat is annoying, she's still my sister. My phone vibrates and I take it out hoping it would be Rita replying to my text, I sigh slightly when I realise it's just my boy Tris.

Facebook Group Chat:

Tris: Brad! Matt is having a party tonight! You better be coming!

Brad: Erm, I wasn't planning on it really...

Ella: Oh come on, I even got Con to go!

Con: Yeah, so you better show your ass!

Anna: James got an invite to go too,

Brad: Well, I don't know... 

Tris: Why wouldn't you want to go? You love parties man, it's your one time when you get drunk and girls actually kiss you! 

Ella: Maybe because of Rita? 

Anna: Has she spoken to you yet?

Brad: No, should she? I know you two were with her yesterday, do you guys know something I don't?

Ella: No!

Anna: No?

James: Have you messaged her?

Brad: Yeah she hasn't text back, I went to the shop and got some sweets and thought I'd go and see her, but then I chickened out because I was scared that she might have someone else there...

Ella: Oh my god Brad go, she doesn't have a man there if that's what you mean xD 

Brad: Should I? 

Anna: GO! 

Maybe the girls are right, just go and see her, and maybe she'll explain what was happening and why she couldn't text me back? I grab the bag of sweets and my phone, and make my way back to her apartments. When I get there, two men walk out of the building, dressed quite smart, and carrying papers. I quickly sneak through the door and make my way up the stairs to Rita's apartment. I knock on the door and she opens it. She looked perfect. No make up, a baggy shirt and some leggings, with her hair up in a messy bun and her phone in her hand. 

"Brad! I only just read your message!" She walks up to me and hugs me, I'm not complaining. "Come in, it's a bit messy, had the management here all morning they only just left." So that's who they were, not that I was very keen on them or anything... 

"It's fine," I shut the door behind me and follow her onto the sofa. "How did your day of songwriting go?" I ask. 

"Well, management are pleased, managed to write four songs in that day, then started to write a fifth yesterday but the two girls took me out, but it's still an improvement apparently!" She giggles as I sit next to her. 

"Here," I pass her the bag and she looks inside. 

"Oh my god! I need this!" She gets the chocolate out of the bag and opens it. We spent the next two hours just talking about anything and everything, and catching up what happened over the last few days. "Oh and I'm sorry for just leaving that morning, I just didn't want to wake you up, you looked so cute," she admits and blushes slightly. 

"You should of, I would of liked to at least walked you home or something,"

"Brad, I only live across the street," she giggles slightly and I nod, realising that it was quite stupid to say. "But it's cute, so maybe next time I will wake you up," 

"Next time eh?" I smirk and she giggles, leaning towards me and letting her lips connect with mine only for a brief second, leaving me wanting more. 

"Of course, I quite like those guys, they're funny." She says. I decide to finally have the guts and ask her.

"Would you maybe like to go out for dinner with me tonight?" I try to sound as certain as possible without my voice shaking. 

"I'd love to," she smiles and kisses me once more.


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Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now