Chapter 19: I Wanna Shout The Loudest

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Rita's POV,

I ran after him for a little while, but then guessed that he just wanted to be alone. For a little while I just stood there, expecting him to turn around and motion for me to follow him, or for him to turn back and come hug me. Obviously he wasn't ready for me to tell him that I don't want to loose him, maybe he's just so scared of another relationship that he feels like I would do what this girl Lydia did. I wouldn't, I would never hurt him or even think about it. I promise. 

"He just needs time," Tris puts his hand on my shoulder and I sigh. "He will message you when he feels like he needs you or is over this little stupid act," Tris laughs slightly though I don't find it as funny. He is clearly hurting, and that's not fair on him, he's such a nice and genuine guy. 

"Okaii, but I think I will head home if you don't mind," I smile politely and turn around giving him a friendly hug.

"Of course, let me know if there is anything I can do for you," he tells me and I nod my head, making my way back to my flat, where I would be lonely and without Brad. I felt bad for not saying goodbye to the girls, but I'm sure they saw too and will understand, or maybe I hope that they will. They are genuinely nice girls, so I'm sure once Tris tells them they'll know. 

The whole journey I was wondering what Brad could be up to, if he was alright. If maybe he was beating himself up about walking off. Or maybe if he was cold and didn't care about my feelings. Who am I joking, Bradley Will Simpson is not like that and we all know it. I couldn't imagine him as a bad boy breaking girls hearts, he's a sweetheart who I love. 

At home, I didn't know what to do, maybe trying to write would be something to get my mind off of him. I made myself coffee and took it to my bedroom, where I then got my guitar out and slightly played a tune, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen to write down lyrics. The management seem to be happy with what I am going them, so that's always a good thing. 

'Trying to find a way to break into you, break your walls, find your love

I wrote a few lines and strummed, quite happy with how the song was going. It was obvious who it was about, well to me, not to everyone else probably. It sounded good to me, and I really meant the lyrics I was singing, instead of being forced into singing a song which I don't feel connected to. 

It must of passed at least two hours, because soon I was feeling tired, but proud of how much I have managed to get back. As much as I hate the management, I love my fans and what they have done for me, I will always want to give them as much as I can. That reminds me that I have barely been tweeting, or even checking social media. So I logged on on my iMac and got to work with some favouriting and retweeting some things that mentioned me.

@RitaOra: How's everyone? Been busy writing songs! Excited?

Once I have tweeted it out I went to wash the coffee mug I was using and noticed my phone on the side. Maybe he text me? Curiosity gets the better of me and I check my phone, seeing a text from my Brad. 

1 Text From: Rockstar

I'm sorry, I panicked earlier, would you come over and cuddle? I understand if you're with someone else, xx

I smiled then notice this was sent two hours ago. I sighed and put on my shoes and a hoodie, grabbing my phone and keys, making my way to his house, hoping he would open up for me. If not, then at least I have tried right?

I knocked three times and waited. Nothing. I tried once again, knocking three times. Nothing. I turn around and start walking down his driveway and was about to shut the gate after me when I heard his voice. 

"Princess?" The fact that he called me princess instead of my name made me smile, he wasn't going to kick me out, or decide to get rid of me. I turns around and ran up to him, while he pulls me into his chest and draws unknown patterns on the small of my back.

"I'm sorry, I only just read your text, I've written a song, didn't hear it, why did you think I would be with someone else?" I ask as he takes my hand and leads me into the house and up the stairs to his room. 

"I don't know, Lydia did..." He sits on his bed.

"I'm not Lydia..." I state and sit with him.

"I know, I'm sorry, it's harder, but I know I was stupid. Rita you're the best thing that has happened to me, and I know you are different, a good different. I just want you to know that I do love you." He smiles and leans in to kiss me, my lips seem to be functioning faster than my brain because I'm already kissing him before I even realise what he has said. Smiling to myself, I kiss him back happy to be here.


Hi! I have good news and bad news. Good news: other two members are alright, but in hospital in a bad state. Bad news: there isn't any bad news!! Vote, Comment and DM! ~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now