Chapter 5: When You Thought There Was No One, I Was Still Right Here

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(I cannot deal with the new video at the beginning Brad is so yummy help!)

Rita's POV,
I knew who he was the moment that I looked out of the window. He looked exactly like his Twitter icon. He only lives across the road? Are you serious?

I watched him and he brought a suitcase to the car, and then another. Oh, is he leaving? It's then not long before two woman exit his house with him following. You can tell it's his mum and sister, because they all look quite alike.

Brad. His name was Brad and he was like no one I've ever seen before. I only know him from his tweets, but now I can add a gorgeous face. Gorgeous. He can make me smile by just typing a few things into his phone and pressing tweet. Someone like him probably already has a girlfriend right? Woah, why am I even thinking that?

I see him lean into the window, and once he pulls out he's crying. He's crying? It makes me want to go down there and comfort him, like he does to me, even when he doesn't realise it. Or does he? He wipes his tears and makes eye contact with me. I don't know what to do, so I just hold it, feeling a tear down my own cheek. Why am I crying? Because he was? He looks down and that's when I decide to go out. I put a jumper over my pj shorts and tank top, both white. I grab my keys and phone, and shut the front door behind me, jogging down the stairs and out of the front door. When I get out of the building I see Brad getting ready to go in.

"Brad!" I shout to him and he freezes from walking up the last step to his door and looks at me. I wasn't sure what I was doing next, but I checked nothing was coming before I made my way over to him. Then I realised that my hair was down, unbrushed and I had no make up on. Great.

"Rita?" He whispers in disbelief. I could get in so much trouble for this.

"I saw you were upset, and thought I'd come and see if you were alright, since you always cheer me up," I smile at him and he instantly lights up.

"Yeah, mum and sister just left for New York," he smiles and looks down nervously. I embrace him into a hug and he hugs me back like his whole life depended on it. No one has ever hugged me back like this. "It's so unreal, I've always wanted to hug you and now, here I am," he admits.

"I'm glad that it's finally happened," I smile and pull away. He's a fan, but I don't want him to be, right now, I'd prefer for him to be my friend.

"Cup of tea or coffee?" He offers.

"Yeah actually, but no photos, I'm sorry," I put it out there at the beginning, I can't have the management knowing.

"Erm, that's fine," he sends me a smile and leads me into his house, and I have to say it's gorgeous. Well, he is living on the rich side of the city, but he doesn't act like a slob. "So, tea or coffee?" He offers.

"Coffee please," I smile and sit on a stool by the island in the kitchen.

"Good choice, girls that drink coffee are more attractive," he tells me. Why does it make me blush? I don't even know him, but here I am in his house? I'd get in so much trouble. But I guess it's time to live a little and control my own life, running away right now sounds good.

"We have a good taste in men too," I add as he gives me my coffee, I add two sugars and milk. Brad sits opposite me with his own cup, adding exactly the same thing into his.

"Tell me a bit about yourself Rita," he smiles.

"Well I'm Rita, I'm 18 and a pop star-"

"No Rita, I know all that, tell me how you're feeling, what's on your mind?" He cuts in softly, looking into my eyes. How does he know?

"Okaii," I bite my lip. "I'm shit." I say with tears in my eyes. He puts his hand on the table as if to reach for mine, and I feel like I want to feel his touch. I slowly slide my hand into his, and feel a weird feeling I've never felt before. It's like a source of electricity went through me, and by the looks on his face he felt it too.

I end up spilling my whole feelings to him, from taking about the management and pressure to how I'm feeling about everything else.

"No one has it easy, I wish I could do more," he sighs and stands up, walking around and sitting on the seat next to me. "When was the last time you went bowling?" He smiles at me and strokes my cheek.

"A long time," I giggle, I feel like myself around him, like I don't need to pretend that everything is alright.

"I'll pick you up?" He suggests and I nod, nothing can go wrong at a night out. The management sent me here to relax and find myself, so that's exactly what I shall do
so they have met! what do you guys think?
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy xox

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now