Chapter 13: Don't Mind All My Friends I Know They're All Crazy

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Rita's POV,

"Please? Tris was in Spain so you never got the chance to meet him, and Con and Ella want to know you too," Brad has been trying to convince me to go to his house and meet the rest of his so called 'gang'. 

"What's so special about Tris?" I raise an eyebrow. For some reason, I have not yet managed to climb off Brad, instead I cuddled into his chest and he plays with my hair. 

"Tradley," is all that he tells me. 

"Now what the hell is Tradley? Some sort of ship of you two?" I say, clearly confused.

"Literally, everyone tells us we are secretly gay," he chuckles and his chest vibrates. I look up at him.

"Wait, are you?" I panic. 

"Oh god no!" He quickly saves himself and his eyes widen slightly. "We just have a really good bond. I mean, sometimes we act gay, but there's nothing wrong with that, just messing around I promise you Rita," he seems to panic more than I have. I giggle slightly and give him a kiss on his cheek. 

"I really want to meet this Tris guy now," I shrug and his eye light up. 

"I'll message them all to meet us at mine then, we have a home theatre, a room with a massive TV and loads of sofas, we can all chill there..." he suggest. Why can't I have a home theatre too? I nod and stand up, reaching out for his hand and he slowly takes it standing up. 

"Shall we take of this foil thing?" I point to mine and his tattoos and he nods, locking his phone and walking with me to my ensuite. It kind of sucks as it's the only bathroom in this flat, meaning that if I have guests over they'll have to use my bedroom bathroom. As soon as Brad takes mine of I look at the tattoo left, and it's amazing. I can't believe that I got this tattoo done, and that it means so much to me. 

"It look beautiful princess," he looks me in the eye before pecking my lips once and putting the foil in the bin. I take my time taking his off, and it looks just as good, and on his body, I think it looks even better than any tattoo I have seen. 

"There," I smile and let him look at it in the mirror, he examines it for a little while then smiles, which I guess means that he likes it. 

"Can I have a pic?" I ask quietly, and he nods. I stand in front of him as I'm a bit shorter and make sure that you can see both of our tattoos. We both smile, and his hands snake around my waist which is cute just as I take the photograph. "Mind if I post it on Twitter?" I ask and he looks surprised. "What? Management said it's good to be talked about, but I don't want to post it for that..." I say unsure. 

"What for then princess?" He asks me and pulls me closer into him. I feel my heartbeat pick up it's pace and soon goose bumps raise on my arms, this is embarrassing I swear. 

"IwantpeopletoknowthatImayormaynotlikeyou." I quickly mumble not wanting him to know really.

"Properly..." He kisses my shoulder once and I think I may loose it. 

"I want people to know that I may or may not like you..." saying it slower and as a proper sentence is much harder to get out, and I don't dare look at his reaction. 

"Go for it, because I want people to know that I may or may not like you as well," he turns me around and looks deep into my eyes, and I feel myself leaning up, waiting for our lips to connect and when they do, I know that he is someone for me.

@RitaOra: Mine and @BradleySimpson tattoos! It didn't even hurt! 

I post it and his phone pings. 

"You have me on notifications?" I ask surprised.

"Don't look surprised, I was a mad fan you know, I think I still am." He blushes, and his phone goes off.

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now