Chapter 16: To Places That We've Never Been Never Been Before

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Brad's POV,

Waking up and holding her close to me is one of my favourite things to do. I don't have to worry about texting her Incase I wake her up, or wondering if she's making coffee or watching tv. I get to be here with her, from the beginning of the day, and that's a great thing to do. However, I'm disappointed in myself.

Yesterday was a disaster. Okaii, it wasn't a disaster, but I imagined the night to go a little bit different. To start, I wanted to ask her to be mine. I know it hasn't been that long since I've known her, but I needed her. I don't think I could get used to being without her again. Why didn't I have the guts to just ask her? I was scared she would reject me. I mean, I know she gives me signs and cuddles me, kisses me and all that, but a boy will always be scared of rejection.

I have to do it on the next date, I'm sure she'll be bored of waiting soon, and decide that maybe someone else is better for her. Personally, I hope that never happens, because my world will always move around her, as it has done for a few years now. It's crazy how one person can effect your whole life.

Everyone used to laugh at me and my obsession with Rita. They told me she'd never notice me, hug me or even say hello to me. I've proved them wrong. It's a great feeling knowing that life is what you make it out to be, not what others say it will or will not be. By taking control of my life and pushing the haters aside, and trying my hardest here I am, studying her features while she sleeps.

"Morning Bradley" or not.

"Morning princess, did you sleep well?" I ask her and pull her closer to me, and I can feel her back pressed tightly into my chest as I hold her close.

"Yeah, I always sleep better when you're with me, you make me feel safer." That made me smile. Being told that she feels alone a lot of the time is terrible to hear, because she means so much to me, so knowing she's better when I'm with her makes my day.

"I'm glad I do," I smile and she turns around, or faces centimetres apart. I gulp a little, not sure if she knew just how close we would be. Rita places her hands on my bare chest and looks on my torso. It's times like these that I get a bit insecure, I mean, I have a slight six pack, but nothing compared to James or people who go to the gym more than I do.

"Has anyone told you before just how sexy you really are?" She asks biting her lip, which is a rather big turn on for me.

"N-no," I stutter a bit and mentally face palm myself for doing so. She smiles and traces around my so called 'six pack' and bites her lip some more.

"Brad are you a virgin?" She asks. Pfft no. Okaii, maybe I am. It's going to sound stupid, but I'm not one to sleep with girls, not that I'm gay, I just, they weren't the one I wanted to sleep with. Of course I've done some things with girls, but never full on slept with them.

"No," I sigh and look down.

"Awh Brad," she lift my chin up. "That's really cute, to be honest I wish I still was, I don't think I lost it to the right person." She sighs and intertwines our fingers. Of course she wasn't going to be a virgin, it'd be so stupid for me to think that she would be. I don't know, I guess a celebrity that dates 'Chris Brown' isn't going to be.

"You regret it? Why?" I take her other hand and intertwine out fingers, looking into her eyes.

"Because I've met better people, who would of deserved it much more than the person who took it." She smiles slightly looking back into my eyes.

"Ah," was she talking about me? Or was she talking about one of her ex's? I lean down to kiss her, and she kisses me back, allowing me to feel more stupid about not asking her to be mine, because clearly it's what we would both like. Rita lets go of one of my hands and rolls so she is straddling me, with that hand tangling into my hair, slightly pulling on it causing me to moan, and giving her a chance to deepen the kiss and let out tongues battle for dominance.

My hands take hold of her hips and one goes under her top, causing her to smile into the kiss. Could this be real? I let my hand explore her top body and she moans a little when it makes contact with one of her boobs. I don't think I can deal with this. She pulls away and takes off her shirt, then connects her lips slowly with mine again.

"Don't have to do anything but make out," she smiles and looks me in the eyes.

"You won't mind?" I feel like a girl scared to loose her virginity. No offence.

"Of course not," she giggles "we can wait as long as you need, it's cute, and just having you close to me is enough..." I smile at her and can't help but let my eyes wonder down her body then back up. She giggles some more and lays next to me, cuddling up to my chest and resting her head there.

"You're extremely hot princess," I tell her, because frankly, it's the truth.

"As are you rockstar," she tells me and stays on my chest. Today is going to be a good day.
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~ILoveYoyBraddyBoy X

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