Chapter 30: When I'm Drinking

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Brad's POV,

The floor was vibrating from the loud music as soon as we stepped out of the cab. I paid before Rita could argue with me and we made our way to the house.

Tris's house was the biggest out of our friendship group. His parents owned a mansion, and we're out on a business trip for new year and told him strictly no parties. Oh well, rules were made to be broken, why else?

"Brad I don't know anyone here..." Rita tugs on my arm a little, clinging onto me like a child. I chuckle a little and we walk through the double door.

"You know the gang, we just need to find them," I assure her over the loud music. Tris has the upstairs blocked off with tape, making sure it's clear you can't go up, and then he has a few boxes at the top of the staircase so people don't go into the rooms. He told us we can stay the night, that after midnight he will be kicking people out, so we can spend the first of the new year as our little gang.

"I know..." I lead her to the kitchen, I know this house inside out, I've spent a bit of my childhood running up and down these stupid corridors getting told of by the maid that worked here. I guess she has the night off or something, or else she'd be yelling at Tris, who would just find her funny.

When we get to the kitchen past the sweaty bodies I lead her to the table. "What would you like baby?" I ask and look at her as she eyes up all the alcohol displayed and red cups available to be filled.

"Some vodka and Coke please," she smiles at me and I make her some, making a cup for me too. Tris has made sure that drugs were taken in, as then he could get into massive trouble. Well, he could get in trouble anyway but hey ho.

"Let's go find the others," I say and take her free hand back into the sweaty bodies that have been grinding on each other, making me look away in disgust.

"The love birds arrived!" Con shouts over the music as he spots us. His hand is around Ella and he gives the evils to any boy who smiles or even looks at her. Jealous Con was cute, and I could tell that Ella was liking it when he was like that, because she would tease him. Quinn and Tris were eating each other faces off, which was really unlike Quinn. She's a quiet girl who studies for the whole school, yet here she was some diva. It definitely had an effect on Tris. James and Anna were giggling about something one of them said, not really caring that there's loud music or sweaty bodies everywhere. They had each other.

"Yeah we got a drink before we decided to come and find you," Rita smile and puts her cup down once she's downed what was in it. I do the same and the next thing I know she's dragged me into what has been made to the dance floor. This side of Rita is something I've never seen, but already she has turned me on more than enough. She starts to grind on me. Literally. Not only were the boys watching but even the girls.

I've been asked on a few dates, but I've never wanted anyone but Rita. People stare but we don't care, I have Rita and will do whatever it takes to protect her.
"5...4...3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We count along with the crowd in Tris's house. Fireworks get set off and couples start to make out, getting their first years kiss.

"May I?" I smirk as I look down at Rita, who nods and leans up to kiss me. I lean down and close my eyes, waiting for our lips to meet. The moment they do everything around us disappears and all in focusing on is the kiss we are sharing and the amount of passion that has been put into it. This is the first time I've had a New Years kiss, and I just wish that I was Rita's first too, though I highly doubt it.

Not because Rita sleeps around or anything, but because she's famous. Surely she has had a kiss for New Years, anyone would want to kiss her. Well this year it's me, and I hope it's me next year too.

When we pull away I look into her eyes, and she stares back up into mine. She brings her hand to her head and closes her eyes.

"Head hurts?" I asked and she nodded, cuddling into me. The loud music stopped for the count down and wasn't put back on. I could hear Tris and James starting to rush people out of the house, receiving thanks and awesome party dude on their way out.

"I need a bed," Rita mumbles into my neck, making me smile and then it clicks that she wants to sleep. I look over at Tris who has managed to get everyone to leave without trouble, I guess everyone has had enough for once.

"I'm going to take her up, the end room is for us right?" I check with Tris.

"Yeah, Con and Ella have already gone up, think she had too many drinks, we know she's a light head anyway." Tris tells me and I thank him and pick up Rita bridal style. She doesn't complain, just cuddles into me more as I make my way up the stairs. I go to our room and lay her on the bed. She automatically takes off her dress and climbs under the covers in her underwear.

I take the dress and hang it up, before taking off my jeans and shirt too, and slipping into bed next to her.

"This is my favourite way to spend the first few house of 2016 with you," she smiles and cuddles into me falling asleep. I play with her hair until I fall asleep myself.
Happy new year!
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Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now