Chapter 32: Worth It

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Rita's POV,

We've been on tour for a week, a week! In that week I introduced the band to fifth harmony. Now get this. Brad hasn't said much to me since, and spends most of his time with Lauren. I don't want to be jealous, I'm not like that, but he's completely isolated me.

"She likes him you know," Camilla sighs as she sits next to me. I nod in acknowledgement.

"At the beginning of tour he told me how much he loves me and wouldn't let anyone else touch me. He wouldn't care right now if I went out with some boy, he'd be too busy trying to get Lauren." I sigh. Maybe this is why he doesn't want to be in a relationship, because he's really a player.

"I tried to talk to Lauren, but she really likes him, she was jealous of you two, she's just trying to get him to like her back." Camilla seems concerned. "I feel like we should leave the tour because it's unfair on you," she sighs.

"No!" I assure her. "I've never let my personal life interfere with my music career, and I'm not willing to start doing so now." I put on a brave smile.

"This is probably why you inspire so many," she smiles. After everything I've been through, Brad can't make me feel shit. Okaii, maybe he can.
I was in our bunk, in my short pjs and my tank top, and I was waiting. Waiting for Brad to come to bed. He was with Lauren in the other bus, but they stopped, so I thought he'd come back. And I was right, soon I felt the bunk dip and Brad to get under the covers.

"Rita?" He asks and cuddles up to me. I push his hands away from my waist and move closer to the wall. "Princess? Baby what's wrong?" He seems confused. I stay silent. "Rita..." He sighs.

"Why don't you go and sleep with Lauren? I'm sure she'd prefer your company and maybe let you down her pants if you want," I say through gritted teeth.

"W-what?" He stutters.

"You heard me, if you can't see that you're hurting me just leave, because you're like everyone else, get bored of what you have the moment something new comes along." I was going to be messing around anymore. All these things, the tattoos, the fact he lives with me. I can't deal with him loving another.

"Rita... That's not true," he turns me around. "I'm sorry, princess I really am," he plays with my hair. I don't want to seem easy, but I just can't be dealing with everything.

"Why don't you trust me enough to let us be together then? Or is it because you know you'll fall for someone else?" I look up into his eyes. He seems hurt, but determined at the same time.

"I love you," he chokes out, taking my hand and intertwining our fingers.

"You do?" I feel myself smile and he nods.

"And I'm sorry for not spending time with you, I promise it'll change," he cuddles me.

"Okaii," I say cuddling into him, feeling happy that I have my Brad back.

"Oh and Rita baby?" He says my name and I look up at him.


"Would you do me the honours of being my girlfriend?" He blushes as he asks me.

"Yes!!!" I giggle and pull him closer to me to connect our lips.
so 32 chapters later they're together. I've lost inspiration for this book.

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now