Chapter 20: Don't Know The Words, Don't Know The Place

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Brad's POV,

We were sat on my bed, with my iMac between us and Netflix on. We were watching 'A Good Old Orgy' which apparently was one of Rita's favourite films. (It's funny, but like a 15+ ;)) It was funy and great, but I wasn't paying attention that much, more like studying her features. The way her eyes were light up and how she had a slight dimple on her right side when she smiled. It make me smile how perfect she was, but she doesn't believe it. In many way we are too alike, insecure about a few things. But maybe that's why we get on so well, because we both know how it feels to feel that way, and know how hard it is to talk about things. But then again she's more willing to say her feelings than I am, and that's where we are different, because she's more confident then I will ever be.

"Earth to Brad?" She giggles and I realise I must of been in a daze or something, but it clearly made her smile, so I don't mind if I looked stupid. And that's how I know she's the one for me, because I am putting her and for her to be happy before myself, even though Lydia did what she did, my Rita isn't like that.

"Sorry princess, you distracted me," I wink at her and she smiles.

"I'm glad I did, if I didn't it would be worrying," she giggles, and it's infectious because I am soon chuckling as well. Her hand finds mine and she intertwines our fingers. "I sent off the song, I hope management will let me put it on the album, it's kind of about you..." She would write a song about me? So she does take me seriously? Of course she does, I'm just too stupid to see it.

"Can I hear it?" I ask her and she nods pointing at my guitar my mum got me for my 15th birthday. I get up and pass it to her, she strums a few tunes and starts to play, leaving me amazed as always.

"Trying to find a way to break into you, break your walls, find your love," she sings in perfect tune leaving me gobsmacked. She's trying to find a way to get me? A way for me to open up to her and be willing to let her know everything. As she continues to sing I feel my eyes get wet, and I quickly wipe them, not wanting to be the man she sees crying.

"D-did you like it?" She stutters as she finishes and looks at me. I take the guitar off of her and put it down on the floor, put my hand on her cheek and the other on her waist, pulling her closer to me. I leaned in to kiss her. Her lips are warm and soft, and fit with mine perfectly, not being cliche, just telling the truth. I don't know why I am so scared, because when she kisses me I am in a completely different place. It's a time when everything I have worried about just disappear and all I can think of is her.

"Does that answer your question?" I ask as I pull away, and watch as she takes a little bit of time to open her eyes.

"Yeah," she bites her lip looking at me, and that is attractive. In a way I just want to kiss her and deepen it, take off her clothes and-

"Brad! I said someone's at the door," Rita said standing up reaching out for my hand. I smile slightly and walk with her to the door, to find Anna and James smiling.

"Thought we would find you guys here," Anna smirks and Rita lets go of my hand to hug her.

"Where else would we be?" I ask confused.

"She meant it in a different way, don't worry your little mind Brad," James chuckles and I get it.

"You both just kind of stormed off, we wanted to see if you were alright or not?" Anna says as we all end up on the sofa with the TV on a music channel.

"We're fine," Rita smiles and takes my hand again, making a smile appear on my face also, she's just so perfect, and wasn't one of those girls who would just end up in a mood with me for storming off. I did feel bad and still do about it, but there's nothing I can do now, and we are fine, like Rita said.

"Good," James smiled. "Brought some beer," he smiles and brought up a plastic bag.

"And some snacks, if you guys weren't answering the door we would of just crashed out at mine or James's." Anna adds in.

"What makes you think you can stay here and drink in my house?" I challenge.

"Your mum is out, and even if she was in she is always fine with it. You and Rita weren't half naked when we knocked on the door so, I think you don't mind." James smirks and I see Rita blush.

"Alright, why did I even ask?" Everyone laughs a little. James hands us all a can of beer and we open up the Doritos, letting us talk about anything and everything that comes to mind.


It's around half past 12 and we are all a bit tipsy, I think Anna is the worst, she can't even stand on her own to feet so is sitting on James's lap, and I'm sure that he doesn't mind that at all.

"How about a game of truth or dare?" Anna giggles.

"Baby, I don't think there's enough of us to do that..." James says gently so she doesn't storm off, good way to go man.

"Oh... true..." she giggles and hiccups. Rita hasn't really drunk much, just enjoyed everyone's company and the fact that she wasn't alone.

"You guys can crash in the spare bedroom." I nod towards the spare bedroom downstairs.

"Thanks, don't think her parents would like me very much if I brought a drunk Anna home... She's a lightweight," He smiles and picks her up taking her to the room. Apparently within those few seconds she has managed to completely pass out and fall asleep.

"Shall we go up too?" Rita asks and I nod, following her as she went up, I'll just have to leave the cleaning til tomorrow.
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Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now