Chapter 24: Halfway There

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(This story has been getting less comments now:/)
Brad's POV,

The continuous ringing of my phone makes me detach myself from the sleeping Rita. She mumbles something and cuddles into the douvets while I make an attempt to find my phone from my jeans.

"Hello?" I answer sleepily the moment that I find it and put it by my ear, not even looking at who it was that was calling.

"BRAD YOU FUCKING LEGEND!" Tris shouts down the phone.

"Only just realised?" I say clearly confused and walk to the kitchen shutting the door quietly so I don't wake her up, that wouldn't be fair on her.

"No Brad, I knew, but right now you're my favourite out of our band," he says down the phone.

"Tradley forever I know... You on your man period or something? Because I don't understand..." I say still confused and sit on the stool by the island and grab an apple biting into it. It's okaii, I paid for the shopping yesterday for Rita's apartment even though she refused many times.

"You didn't read your text from Joe?" He asks.

"Well Tristan Evans, you woke me up and I had to move from Rita just to find my phone." I let him know.

"Oh, at the lionesses place eh?" I can feel the smirk on his lips as he says that.

"Well... Yeah..." I say as it is the truth, it's just Tris has weird referring to people.

"Well tell her that she better get used to four smelly boys on her tour," he tells me.

"Alright I will," I say casually. And then I get it. "Wait we are touring with her? Like actually? It's not a joke is it Tristan because that's not a funny one..." I say smiling.

"Nope, not a joke. Joe messaged us all telling us to be ready for after new year, it's all kicking it off Brad." He tells me. I can't help but feel shit for finding our way to your by using her. I don't want it to look like to everyone that I'm doubly dating her for fame. Brad you're not even with her Dickhead. Yeah I know, but I will be, one day. I stay on the phone to Tris a little longer and then decide to make her some breakfast and let her know.

I get the cups from her cupboard and put the kettle on, preparing two coffees and then putting some bread into the toaster. I then make the coffees and add milk and sugar, and when I go to butter the toasts someone wraps their hands around my waist.

"Rita..." I sigh. "You were supposed to be asleep so I'd wake you up and be cute," I tell her and she just giggles.

"But you were humming and your voice is amazing..." She tells me and kisses my neck a few times. I didn't even know I was humming...

"Oh, well can you go back to bed? I wanted to be cute and romantic," I turn around and she shakes her head.

"Why? I know what you're planning now Rockstar, so what's the point? I appreciate that I don't have to do it already," she tells me and I nod understanding. She still uses my nick name, and I'm not afraid to use hers.

"If that's so Princess,"  I smile and hug her, receiving a slight squeeze from her.

"Can we be lazy today? I've submitted enough songs and don't feel like doing anything..." She pouts. She's so adorable, I wouldn't be able to say no.

"Of course," I play with her hair, "I have something to tell you," I let go of her slum figure and put the two coffees and toasts on the island and we both sit down opposite each other.

"What is it?" She seems to be scared of what I might tell her.

"Don't be scared," I smile.

"Am I that obvious? Can you really tell?" She bites her lip and looks down at her coffee.

"Yeah, but that's good, means I know you well enough to know when something is wrong," I smile and as does she.

"Well tell me then," she takes a bite of her toast watching me. I looked at her for a few seconds. The way she didn't have any make up yet was perfect and beautiful. The way she didn't care that she was in one of my tops, yes my top.

"Joe text all the boys, tris woke me up telling me to tell you to get ready to tour with four smelly boys..." She suddenly smiles much more and squeals slightly.

"They let you come? You're coming and staying with me all this time?" She double checks.

"Yeah," I smile.

"That's amazing! Oh my god yes!!!" She giggles and comes to me getting her phone as she sits on my lap. Oh okaii.

"Smile Bradders," she didn't even care that she was in my shirt and I had no shirt. I held her close and smiled and she smiled leaning into me. She typed a few things then my phone buzzed.

@RitaOra: Can't wait for tour with this one and his band😘 @thevampsband @bradleysimpson

I retweet and gain a few followers that start to spam me. I smile at the fact and kiss her cheek.

"This is going to be amazing! I can't wait," I tell her and she nods. Everything's just beginning. There's just a few more things I want to do before we go on this tour...
Hey! Hope everyone's okaii, I've been so busy but it's nearly Christmas (and my birthday) soooooo😘
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy X

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now