Chapter 23: I've Been Living Out Of My Suitcase

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Rita's POV,

It's been around an hour since Brad and I got back from the park with the others, meaning we finally had time to be alone. Not in 'let's have sex' alone way, but in a way when we could just spend time together.

Lately there's nothing I like more than being alone with Brad. He's funny, charming and always knows what to say. Currently we were in my room and I was showing him the demos I've recorded so far for the album, I wasn't allowed to, but it's not like he's going to run to the management and tell them I've shown him.

"It's crazy, a few weeks ago if someone told me you'd live across from my house, and that you'd let me listen to your second album demos I wouldn't believe them for a second." He tells me as he pauses the track which was playing.

"That's the fun thing about life, things happen unexpectedly, and you don't live by a plan. Unless you're me and have my management then you kind of are." I giggle and he smiles.

"But you've had a lot more freedom right?" He asks me and I nods slightly.

"I feel like I've gained what I have missed in my childhood," I frown slightly as I say so. "I'll be off to tour once the album is out..." I say after a slight silence.

There's another silence, and Brad looks deep in thought.

"They won't just let me come with you will they?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Only supporting acts and managers etc will be there," I tell him feeling upset.

"Do you choose your support acts?" Brad asks as he looks at me.

"Yeah, and then my managers try to sort it out, if that support act can't do it I choose a different one and so on, until we find someone who can do it." I tell him a bit confused why he's asking.

"Who have you chosen so far?" He asks and sits next to me.

"Fifth harmony, they're a great bunch of girls, when I wrote my first album Camila helped me a lot, so I knew they had to be a band I wanted to support me, still need one more," I shrug.

"Ah, right..." He says.

Another few minutes of silence. Now I don't know whether he's just upset that I'll be gone for a while, or if he's hiding something from me. Either way, I let the silence take over and let him be the first to speak, since it was a comfortable silence anyway.

"What if..." He starts.

"What's if what Brad? The sky turned red? That would be a beautiful looking sky," I say sarcastically and he chuckles a little, holding my hand.

"What if we were your other band you've chosen? Then I could be with you still? And you'd probably help us out a bit?" He asked me as if he was scared to. As if he was scared of my reaction. "But if you want someone famous then that's fine I jut won't be able to see you that's all," he adds.

"I think that's a good idea, you guys have a manager?" I ask, knowing about Brad being in a band and playing locally, but not sure how good they were. But I knew that Brad could sing, and that he could do it well. I'm sure he wouldn't be in a band with people who couldn't play.

"Yeah, I can text him?" He suggests.

"Let me let mine know who I want the second band to be first, I do need their approval." And so I write an email.

Hey Luke,
I've chosen my second support act, they're called The Vamps. I highly recommend them, and think they're suitable for the job. They're small so they'll get bigger with our help. They're signed with Virgin and their manager is Joe O'Neil so just let him know. I'm sure you will be able to sort this out for me, as you know that I can refuse to do it...
Thanks, Rita xox

"You can reuse to do your own tour?" He says as he reads it. He helped me also with who their manager was and who they were signed with.

"Yeah, I can just wake up and decide I can't be bothered and not do it if I wanted to. But I have to, I have to give back to the fans who have been there for me for so long. Like I can't just not do it, but the management don't need to know that. Plus, it'll make sure you guys can come," I smile.

"Thanks Rita, I was scared you would think..." He stops mid sentence.

"Would think what?" I ask.

"That in using you to get famous..." He looks down at his hands.

"Why would I think that Brad?" I take both of his hands and look at him. "You mean the world to me, and I wouldn't be able to do the tour without you. You've found a solution babe, and that's all I could ask for right now. It's amazing!" I smile as does he.

"So you're happy?" He asks.

"Of course! The management will have to allow it, so you'll be with me! I'm sure the girls will be fine to come if your manager allows it, just me that can't bring anyone other than relatives," I tell him and he smiles.

"Thanks Rita,"

"Get ready to live out of your suitcase," I giggle.

I've got a new job 🙈
I hope you guys like this update, Brad asked Rita to go on tour. But fifth harmony are gonna be there. Ooooooh smells like a nice apple pie. Not like drama at all!
Also! The old book gets updated when I have time and so far like four chapters are up!
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Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now