Chapter 34: Coz Darling I'm A Nightmare Dressed Like A Boss

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🔴line comment and gimme ideas for the book plz🔴

Rita's POV,

Tour is exhausting, and you can tell by everyone sleeping the moment they get. Whether it's at a lobby or in the bus between destinations. It's cool to play, but it takes away so much energy, it's hard.

Lauren has been keeping out of my way, and it's been annoying me. I've invited her and the rest of the band to be a support act because we were friends, good friends. The girls helped me to get a little better known in America.

"Brad?" I say his name, only to look over to see Tris taking a snap of him sleeping. Oh, alright then.

"Shhhhh the world needs to hear his soft snores," Tris chuckles. Quinn was sitting next to him, reading her book. Somehow, Tris has managed to convince her parents to let her come and stay for the remainder of the tour. I mean, I don't get why she couldn't of before. It's good knowing he won't be the loner anymore.

"Fine," I sigh and stand up, walking to Camila, (I never know if it's one l or two so don't murder me thanks I love her she's my fav outta the band yet I can't spell her name, or can I?)

"Alright?" She asks and I nod.

"Why is Lauren mad at me? It's because of Brad and I and because she likes him isn't it?" I ask and she nods slightly.

"But don't pay too much attention to her, you guys have had something for longer and she only just got to know him," I knew what she was saying was true. "Plus if she was your best friend, like the rest of us are, she'd understand, and I've told her that." I love all of the girls, and just don't want tour to be anymore awkward.

"Any idea where she is?" We were currently backstage at the arena, chilling in the big sofa space, it wasn't our changing room, just a place to hang out and not get eaten alive by fans. Okaii, maybe I'm being too harsh.

"She said she was getting a coffee," she says with a smile and I thank her, deciding to make my way to the bar and see her sitting on the table in the corner. I order myself a latte and make my way and sit next to her.

"Hi," I whisper.

"Hey..." She sends me a small smile.

"How's you?" Oh wow well done Rita great conversation.

"I'm good, just feel awkward you know?" She tells me.

"But why?" I ask biting my lip, obviously knowing why.

"Because you must hate me so much you probably want me gone from this tour. I'm so sorry about trying to get with Brad. You deserve him and he deserves you," she says, quietly so no one else hears.

"I don't hate you Lauren, that's why I came to find you and talk to you." I tell her and she looks at me, maybe a bit shocked? "You were my best of friends one time, before either of us were famous. Your mum made me cookies all the time because mine was away. I don't want to throw it all away because of a boy..." I trail off.

"This is why everyone loves you," she says and hugs me, I smile and hug her back.

"Because I don't hold grudges? Because I can, if I want to. I just don't want it to feel awkward for anyone. I wanted Brad to come with me so you two would be fine too, but he's asleep," I say and we both giggle.

"I think it's better that it's just you and I right now, gives us more time to bond," she says. And that's what we did, for the next half an hour we caught up on each other's life's and what's been happening.

@RitaOra: Love her, even if she's a pain! *image*

🔴I don't want this book to go to waste but I'm running out of ideas. Don't hate on Lauren lol even tho I don't like her Rita does so 🔴

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