Chapter 36: Finalé

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Rita's POV,

It's the end of tour, the day we get to go back home. Finally, my apartment, my non moving bed with my Brad in it. It's crazy, we arrive at around midnight, and Brad decides to leave going to see his family til the morning, as it's likely that they will be asleep. Two of the security guards helps us with our suitcases and drop them off at the living room, then let themselves out.

"Brad I'm stealing your shirt," I announce as I go to our wardrobe, and get one of his famous 'Arctic Monkeys' tee. It suits him better than it suits me, but it's the most comfortable thing to sleep in. Also, he's worn it before, which makes everything even better.

"Thanks for notifying me of your theft." He smirks and pulls me closer to him, placing a kiss on my shoulder and then a few up my neck.

"Brad..." I sigh.

"I know, I'm tired too, it's fine," he smiles and strips down from his outfit, leaving himself in his boxers as he climbs into his side of the bed. I get into mine and cuddle up to him instantly.

"I like you shirtless," I smirk, checking out his torso with my fingers, causing him to smile as if he was proud of himself.

"I think many people like me shirtless," he cockily adds.

"Alright, no need to get full of yourself!" I roll my eyes playfully, and watch him bite his lips. God he's so hot, why why why.

"But it's really only for your eyes," he releases his lip from his teeth, and his eyes shine in the darkness. I never understood how his eyes could stand out like that, it made him truly special I guess.

"Good, because I don't want no girl hitting on you now that you're famous," I tell him, pretending to be serious when really, I am joking.

"Rita, princess, you are the only one for me. And still, if anything it's you that I should be worried about, boys won't be able to keep their hands off of you. They already can't contain themselves.

"Do you think people write fan fictions about us? You know, as a couple, and how everything happened?" I ask him, looking up and seeing him reach for his phone. He turns away for a little bit. "Brad? What are you doing...?" I question.

"Just a second babe," he tells me, and soon turns around grinning like a small child with the phone in his hand.

"What did you do?" I giggle.

"Downloaded Wattpad and searched our names..." He tells me.

"And? Did anything come up?" I bite my lip nervously.

"Yeah, Madly Desired,"

💋the end! Finalé over and done with. I just lost inspiration so the best thing was to end it with a cute chapter. I want to thank you all for sticking with it, and this probably isn't the last you'll hear of me.
>my MADLEY books are up, go read!
>Janoskians book has returned, but under major editing! So slow updates.
>I am taking imagines request so go and request or DM me!
Thank you so much for sticking by me, but this book is as far as it'll go. Maybe I'll do an epilogue, depending on if it's requested by enough people. I love you all thank you so much for all the support, and I am truly SORRY for disappointing you 💕

 I love you all thank you so much for all the support, and I am truly SORRY for disappointing you 💕

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Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now