Chapter 3: I Will Never Let You Down

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Brad's POV,

@RitaOra followed you.

I stare at it as if it was a message from aliens, or possible God. She actually followed me? But I only tweeted once, I didn't want to spam her, it wouldn't be fair on her, she eats spammed enough. I want to scream and shout, but instead I call Ella and tell her.

"Brad I told you! See? She even lives somewhere within Thai city! I promise you that before you know it you would of met her. Birmingham isn't that big!" She giggles down the phone. I hear Con ask who it is and Ella telling him it's me.

"Yeah, thanks for believing. Tell Con for me? I'm going to leave you to do whatever, I just thought like you needed to know, after all, you understand." I smile down the phone even though she can't see.

"Will do, and you know I understand. I'm just a phone call away if anything else happens Brad okaii?" She reminds me.

"Of course, I'll talk later," I tell her.

"Alright bye Brad," she says before the line goes dead. Do I message her? Do I tweet her a thank you for following me? What do I do so it doesn't annoy her? I defiantly don't want to annoy her, that's the last thing I need. I sigh, not knowing what to do at all.

An hour later I'm in the same position and my mum come in.

"Alright Brad? You didn't come down for dinner..." She says. Oh, it's that time already?

"Sorry, I don't know what to do mum, she followed me back..." I say still in disbelief.

"Rita did?" My mum looks just as shocked and taken back as I am. I nod slightly and she has a huge smile on her face. "Well that's great! Maybe you'll focus on your school now, eh?" She adds.

Okaii lets talk about school. We're quite popular, as we are the schools band, sometimes we do a gig or two in the pubs locally. One day we could make it big, once school is over maybe. I'm not a badass, but I'm not a nerd either. I will sometimes skip class, but at times I'd rather learn so I can get the grades I want. I don't know, it's hard to understand.

"Yeah," I just agree with mum.

"Well food is downstairs if you want any, Nat has gone to Bailey's house, I hope he won't try anything..." Mum says worriedly. Bailey is my sisters boyfriend, and she doesn't know that even if he tried anything Nat would let him, they've had sex before, but she doesn't need to know that yet. To her, Nat is a perfect child.

"He wouldn't, and Nat is smart, she wouldn't let him," I lie. I hate lying, but what else is there to do? I'm not going to tell her about Nat, it's her things to say. She nods and walks back out. I've decided, I'm going to direct message Rita.

BradleySimpson: Thank you for following me, I try to make you smile as much as I can, and you've just made my day. No not just my day, my week, my month, my year 💕

I send it to her and decide to have a shower. As I stand under the running water I think what it'd be like to be with her. How would I please her when she could buy anything she wanted? Surely I wouldn't be good enough, and that's why I can't be with her, because she deserves someone better. Her fans have always wanted her with Chris Brown, but I don't see it, it's not a match. But then again, no one wants her as much as me. But once I got her, what would I do? Surely I'd just bore her and she'd have someone on the side.

SNAP OUT OF IT BRAD! I tell myself, you know Rita, she wouldn't do that. Oh right, she wouldn't date me in the first place because ladies and gentlemen, I am a no one and she? She is everything.

After depressing myself I decide to get out and dry myself, putting on a pair of boxers and some joggers on, leaving my gold chain around my neck and my bare chest out. I've been working out a bit, I wouldn't say it's a perfect six pack, but it's getting there. I just want to be what she needs.

It's not stupid right? Well, even if it is, it's too late now.

I get on the bed and pull my MacBook close, only to see that I have a direct message. Oh my god, it's from her!

RitaOra: I know, I see them! Thank you for making me smile, glad I could return the favour x

She put a kiss. Rita Fucking Ora didn't only message me, but she also sent me a kiss. I don't even know what my insides are doing right now, I just know that I'm not functioning very well.

BradleySimpson: You have, honestly, after years it's finally happened, and you even messaged back, I didn't think you would x

I send a kiss back, knowing she probably wouldn't put another one or even message me back. Okaii, maybe I was wrong on both of those.

RitaOra: Why not? I'm only human Bradley x

Oh my god. Is this what girls feel like when they fan girl? No stop this. I can't compare myself to a girl. But can you guys believe this, she's actually messaging me back. Yes, she's a year older, so? I'm sure there's relationships out there where the female is older. Woah, relationships, is that what I'd like us to be one day? Stop getting ahead of yourself Brad.

BradleySimpson: I know, I just gathered you are often busy, and with so many fans it's hard to get recognised. You can call me Brad if you'd like x

Well, if you told me that this evening I'd be talking to the Rita Ora I wouldn't of believed you.

RitaOra: Alright Brad, and yeah busy and extremely tired, I'm heading bed, nice talking to you x

She's leaving already? But, but the conversations only just begun? I DM her back telling her goodnight and shut down my MacBook. I can't believe she replied and I can't believe it's over. She'll probably never message me again...
Please give this book a chance! so? What do you think? Anyone ship it yet? In next chapter I'll reveal who got the parts!
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Maggie (ILoveYouBraddyBoy) xox

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now