Chapter 9: I Need Fire So I Can Burn

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Rita's POV,

"A coffee?" I didn't want him to leave. I had to keep him here. I know this sounds pathetic but I really like him. Like, really really like him. It's weird to think that he's a fan, but then that makes me think that he knows me already. It was probably really obvious that I wanted him to stay, but I can't help it. I hated being alone, and when he was around, I was never alone. He shuts the door behind him and walks into the kitchen, me following.

"Could I maybe have just a lemonade? I wouldn't sleep with another coffee," he winks at me and I slightly melt inside. He's so gorgeous, and there's nothing I can do about my mad feelings for him. I nod after I realise that I must of been in a daydream for a little while and get out two glasses and fill them with lemonade. As I pass him his cup, out fingers touch for a brief while, but even that little while is enough for my stomach to release all of the butterflies it has been saving.

"Thanks Rita," he smiles as takes a sip, me doing the same. We sit down in the living room and I turn the stereo on, letting random tunes play at quite a low volume, considering my neighbours.

"Dance with me," he takes my hand and puts the glasses on the table.

"I really can't dance Brad this is pointless, even trying should be a sin." I giggle as he pulls me up.

"Rita hunny, I have studied your music videos far too much, you can dance." He chuckles in a low voice. I blush as I lean into him and sway side to side, our bodies moving in sync, and let me tell you, it was an amazing feeling to have him this close to me. I can't explain everything I was feeling, it just wasn't able to be put into words.

"Well I guess I can dance, just never learnt this really..." I admit.

"You never learn to sway from side to side?" He laughs and I playfully slap his arm.

"That's not what I meant, if I'm honest Brad I've never had such close embrace or danced with anyone like this," admitting all of this to him felt stupid, like he would laugh at me, judge me, and then walk off.

"I'll teach you, come here," he stops and hugs me. "I will do all I can to teach you everything you will want to know, well as long as I can do it, alright?" He is such a sweetheart. I nod and he steps away from me, and my body instantly misses his warmth. He positions my hand around my shoulder height and puts my other to his waist. I saw this in movies, the way people slow dance together. He mumbles how to move my legs, comparing it to one of my music videos. This guy is honestly going to be the death of me.

"See, you're getting it already," he compliments me as we dance around my living room, if anyone looked into my window they'd think we are weird. But maybe that's what we are, weird. I like weird, it's better than normal.

"Okaii stop," I giggle and pull away as the music finished. He looks at me and his eyes are something I could get lost in over and over again. I just can't resist his chocolatey eyes and his brown curls. The way he gently holds my hand and how he smells. He has his own scent, nothing like other boys I have ever been with. He's one hundred million times better.

I bite my lip nervously as he leans down and I feel myself leaning up. This is it, I'm going to kiss him properly. I can feel his hot breath on my lips, as his hand cups my cheek and pulls me closer so our lips connect. Fireworks. That's all I can say. It feels so right, like nothing else ever has. His lips move in sync with mine, there's no errors. He's gentle and soft, his other hand made it's way to my waist and brought our bodies closer, so there was barely gap in between us. I couldn't get enough go this boy, and he knew it, he knew just how I would react to his touch, I know he does, he could have me where he wants me.

I have to say I'm surprised he hasn't tried to even deepen the kiss or something more. In the past, boys weren't so kind to me like Brad. They would take advantage of me, because I wanted to make the management for. If I am honest, I've never had a proper long lasting relationship. I am scared to love. I am scared of being hurt. It's a scary thing, love. Some people go from person to person and look for love. I don't go to a person unless I'm positive that I want to try my hardest in the relationship.

Brad pulls away slowly, leaving me wanting him a lot ore than I already did. I feel myself leaning back up and he just chuckles, making me drop back fully onto my feet.

"You're so cute and perfect Rita, it is so cute," he chuckles then kisses me again. I don't think I can even process what he has just said to me, because my mind is on his lips and hands. When I realise what he said I pull away quite quickly, and nearly burst out laughing at his pouting face.

"I... I am not perfect Bradley..." I tell him.

"To me you are," he puts a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. I smile slightly at his touch. "I should go Rita, it's late." He apologetically. What I said next shocked both me and him.

"Stay the night," I mumbled quickly. He smiles but quickly hides it.

"You sure? I don't mind leaving you to have your own privacy..." He tells me.

"Brad, you make me feel safe, I really want you to stay here..." I honestly admit. What am I doing? He probably thinks I'm really desperate now.

"Alright then, lets get you to bed princess," he called me princess? I blush at his choice of words. "Is princess fine with you?" he checks. I nod and he sweeps me off of my feet and carries me to my bedroom bridal style.

"Bradley Simpson put me down I am too heavy for you!" I giggle as he carries me to the bed where he then gently places me on the bed.

"I'll be on your sofa if you need me," he informs me.

"S-stay here?" I stutter, god he makes me nervous to ask anything, oh no, now he's going to refuse and I will look like an idiot.

"You sure princess?" Thinking about it no one has called me princess before, and I quite like the way it sounded from his lips. I still can't quite figure out Brad's character, he has many sides to him, and I just want to get to know him better so I know them all.

"Yes, I'll just go and put on some pjs" I say and get my white shorts and tank top and change in the bathroom. I remove my make up and brush my teeth. Tonight, I don't have to sleep alone, and even better, I get to sleep with Brad. Nothing has to happen, I just want him to hold me close. When I walk back in his shirt is off, and oh my god. This is what I like, finding out more and more about a person as time goes on, Brad clearly enjoyed going to the gym.

"Won't it be tight to sleep in those jeans?" I bite my lip as I say that and turn off the en suite light.

"I didn't know if you would be comfortable?" he blushes, oh he's cute alright.

"It's fine," I say and climb onto my side of the bed, letting him take off his skinny jeans and then climb in after me. He slowly snakes his arm around my waist, doing it slowly incase I don't want to, how very sweet of him. I lean into his chest with my back so we are spooning, and feel his heartbeat fasten, which makes me smile, as mine has done exactly the same thing.

"Night princess," he cuddles into me.

"Night rockstar," I choose my own nickname for him. He's my rockstar and I can be his princess...


Hey Guys! I got a new iMac so maybe these chapters will be longer as I love typing rather than using my phone! How cute and perfect are those two?

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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

Madly Desired - Bradley Will Simpson/Rita OraWhere stories live. Discover now