Sadly not an update...

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Okay in all honesty I know you guys are wondering where the hell have I disappeared too with my updating this..

First off I just want to say sorry, the reason I started writing this was because my grandma who was practically my mom encouraged me to. And at the time all I did was watch her and taking classes for my college. But after she passed in April last year my life has been in a tail spin.

So to those who asked, no, I haven't been alright but I'm getting there. I honestly lost all passion in writing this story, because it reminded me so much of talks I would have with my grams about the plots and different chapters, so that's why I stepped away.

I'm truly sorry about just not writing anymore or updating this story in particular. But I have had my spark of what I want to happen next and I am in the process of writing, in between working, and hanging with friends, and low key being a reckless 21 yr old (if you have saw on my snapchat xD)..

You will get answers on Alex, David, Melissa, and Niall, I swear to you...

Thank you to those who have reached out to check on me and those who have been patient with my bullshit ^_^

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