Guess Whose Back?

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Chapter 115

Dad’s Journal,


Dear Melissa,

Today you turn 5 and you still are the apple of my eye. I never thought I could love anyone as much as I love you, my kid(s), you are all my world. Kathy just left with Max and I just laid you down for a nap. It’s crazy to see how every day that you get older that you look more and more like your mother.

Your smile curves just like hers and you have the same rosy cheeks as her when you get excited. I miss your mother. I love my wife now, but I will never stop loving your mother. She was my true love, my heart, my second half and my world. I’ve dug around everywhere and can’t seem to find out why she left. Why did she decided to get up and leave her two new born kids, 3 days after you were born. She use to say someone was after her, but I use to think that maybe she was imagining it.

I tried to locate her, but can’t seem to find her. Maybe that’s a price to pay since I was the one to teach her how to fall off the grid completely if she needed to. I promise you princesse that I will do everything in my power to find her, and to get answers. I promise you.



Driving from the warehouse we drove all the way to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to where we were catching our flight and it  took about 3 hours. Our flight from Philadelphia to our connecting flight in Detroit took a while, but when it finally arrived we got on and made our way to London. Who would have known that my mother was British. The whole trip took about 28 hours and by the time we finally landed it was a little after 11 at night and we were all exhausted.

The plan was to land at the London airport and then drive to a place outside of Wolverhampton where we were staying. Renting two van’s, Niall and Liam drove, with Liam driving in the first car since he knew his way around town better than anyone considering that he grew up here. We drove for about 20 minutes until we pulled to a gated house that read on a plaque off to the side, Rouge House. Punching in a code to the gate, it opened slowly as we drove in.

“Where are we?” I heard Jesy ask.

“At one of our many houses.” Says Niall as he follows Liam inside the gate. Pulling into the driveway of the house both cars stop as everyone got out. Grabbing our bags we headed to the door as Niall takes mine off my shoulder.

“I got it.” I say.

“I know.” He says as he continues to throw the strap onto his shoulder.

Walking in I took in the house and it was breath taking. That’s one thing I loved about England, all of their houses, hotels, and buildings in general had a  vintage feel to it and I loved that.

“Alright my lovely guests, it’s pushing past midnight and I suspect that everyone is exhausted. There is 8 bedrooms. Pick where ever you want to go I don’t care.” He says.

“Liam how in the hell did you get this place on such short notice.” Ask Perrie.

“Zayn didn’t tell you?” he says as he tosses his keys on the table, “Everyone of us on at least a flat or 2 in the cities that we go to the most, and in our hometowns.”

“Why?” ask Jesy.

“Because, you never know when you might need to relocate on short notice.” He says.

Yawning Niall talks my hand with his free one and says, “I think we’re going to head up and get some sleep.”

“We’ll go out and swing by the local market to get food for the house.” says Harry.

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