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Chapter 168


Was the first thing that I heard when I walked into the VIP section of the cities highest ranked club. Standing as he wore a full on tux and dress shirt, his curls was short and his beard was a mild scruff.

“Jay.” I smiled as I walked over to him. Wearing a simple pink dress that fit perfectly exposing a small part of my back, I allowed him to engulf me into a warm hug.

“How’ve you been?” he asked.

“Stressed, but good, and you?”

“Living.” He says with a slight smile.

I nod in understanding as a cough and clearing of the throat sounded behind me. Looking behind me Liam and Harry stood there. Liam with his arms crossed, and Harry with his hands in his pockets. Liam wore a grey tux with a regular tee, while Harry wore black and a deep blue tee. They both looked like bodyguards, but sexy bodyguards.

“You two promised before we left that you all would be civil.” I say.

“We are.” Says Liam.

“Then speak, please.”

Jay walks to my side as he turns and says, “Nice to see you boys.”

Liam scuffed, as Harry nods, “Nice to see you too.”

“Enough small talk lets get to business shall we?” says Liam as he uncrosses his arms putting digging a hand into his front pocket.

I rolled my eyes as Jay smiles, “And here I thought Niall was the only one impatient.”

Shaking my head Jay motions to our table as he says, “Bubbly?”

I nod as a waitress walks up and hands us all glasses.

“I can’t stay long I have business I need to tend to in a bit so I’ll do as much as I can for you.”

I nod wonder when in the hell did Jay turn into a information guy when he was basically just doing contract kills and babysitting innocents (me) jobs? Its like going from Garth, the hunter from Supernatural, to Bobby Singer, the information man. Fucking weird.

"You know it's weird." Jay starts, "You didn't seem worried when I told you Andy was in Ireland."

"What was there to be worried about?" I asked. 

"Doesn't Niall family reside in ireland?" 

"They do, and their protected." answers Liam.

"Oh really? By whom?" Ask Jay.

"A fancy little group by the name of None of your fucking business." says Harry, "You should look them up sometime."

Jay rolled his eyes, as he says,  “So what’s with the sporadic meet?” as he takes a drink from his glass.

“Paul Higgins.” I say simply as I swirled around the Champaign that was given to me in a wine glass.

“Your father’s old partner Paul Higgins?” asked Jay.

“No the postboy Paul Higgins.” Liam says sarcastically.

Jay ignored him as I bumped Liam’s leg, “What’s with him?”

“What do you know about him?” asked Harry.

“Aside from the fact that he worked with your father and also that, that name you gave me the last time we talked, Kevin Bricks? He’s father worked for him before he died.” Jay takes another drink before sitting down his glass, “Why?”

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now