Football With The Girls

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Chapter 109

Niall POV

“Welcome Back Party, what are the plans?” I asked as I sat grabbing a beer.

“The guys were thinking about calling one of those Carnival things and having them set it up, so we wouldn’t have to worry about the cleanup much.” Says Max.

“And we wouldn’t have to pay for any broken windows or anything, if stuff went down.” says Harry.

“How much is it going to cost?” I asked.

“Roughly?” asked Louis.

“No be straight.” I say.

“Damn there near 10 grand.”

I looked at them, “What in the fuck are we getting for 10 grand?”

“Well there’s the space we’re using, the owner of the property want 2k for us having it there.” says Liam.

“Then we have the different food stands, and the numerous amount of food that is going to be bought.”

“Then you have rides, prizes, music, picture booth, and booze.” Says Zayn.

“We charging?” I ask.

“Hell yeah, $20 bucks for access to every activity there and there is going to be like 20-28 if you count the jumpers.” Says Harry.

“Are we paying?” I asked.

“We have 3k in the funds and shit left over from the strip show, so we have to put in the rest.”

“We got a racetrack?” I asked.

“Nah did you want one? It’s like 2k extra.” Says Max.

“I’ll pay that, I feel like beating these kids out of their money.” I smiled.

“I’ll make the call in the morning.” Says Louis as he leans back in his chair.

Being back at the UNI was somewhat like a relief. Even though the going to class part sucked I had to admit just being here and not having so many runs to do and just being able to sit back and breathe is a fantastic thing. 10 minutes passed as our fellow frat brother came and grabbed drinks as we sat there and talked about frat activities and bullshit when I heard laughter. Turning around I watched as Mel, Jesy, Nicole, Perrie, and a few other girls who I noticed were girls going with the other frat member’s girlfriends. Mel wore shorts and a tank top with her converse, while the others wore skirts and dresses. Looking at me as she walked up she smiled and my heart fluttered making me feel like a fucking wuss. I always made fun of the guys when they would get all love-struck with their girls. To me it showed weakness and wussness, and I’m positive that’s not even a word, yet here I sat watching my girl and having that pleasure inside that I was able to call her my girl.

“Hey.” She said as she got to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Hey.” I said as I wrapped my hand around her wrist pulling her on top of my lap.

Laughing she smiled at me and ask, “How was your day?”

“Good, what about you?” I ask.

“It was good.”

“Awesome.” I said as I took her chin in-between my index finger and thumb as I tilted her head down. Gently brushing my lips against her, her lips parted along with mine as our tongues brushes against each other, sending a warm sensation through my body. Pulling back Max clears his throat as we look his direction.

“So we finally have a plan for the Welcome Back Party.” he announces.

“Really?” asks Mel as I wrapped an arm around her waist holding her to me.

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