Steal My Girl (Part 1 of 3)

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As a "Yay Four is out!" I'm dedicating this chapter and the 2 to follow after song titles from the album. The goal is to put out at least 3 chapters before sunday. (1 down 2 to go!) So you might get them back to back in the same day or days apart. The world will never know. :D

Happy FourDay! Aka Monday!


Niall POV

"Hello? Oh hi Mrs. Horan."

The voice was low, and at first I thought I was dreaming.

"No he's sleep right now. Do you want me to wake him?"

Shifting in the bed I laid on my back as I rubbed my eyes and starred at the ceiling for a moment.

"You sure you don't want me to wake him?" there was a pause as the voice says, "No everything is fine here." another pause, "Yes we are still together. He hasn't tempted me to leave him yet." A laughed followed as I sat up.

Standing with her back to me, Mel stood leaning against the door wearing jeans and a long sleeve sweater. Her wavy hair fell down her back as I smiled. Slowly getting out of bed, she ended the phone call with my mom as I walked behind her. As soon as she said her goodbyes she went to turn around, in which I caught her mid-turn and pressed her against the door.

"You're up," she gasped surprised.

I nod, not responding as I press my lips against hers. The kiss was captivating, and like a drug. I couldn't just kiss this girl and pull back. No when I kissed her I had to have all of her. Breaking the kiss I began kissing along her cheek and down her neck.

"Niall," she gasps, as her breathing became harsh.

"When did you get in? I wasn't expecting you till tonight, if not tomorrow morning." I said whispering against the bottom part of her ear.

"Change of plans," she says in a low hush.

My hands went for the hem of her shirt as I pulled it up till it was over her stomach. Taking my face into her hands she moves my face back in front of her as she begins to kiss me again. Running my hands down her sides, my fingers begin to unbuckle her jeans as I break the kiss again. Pulling my shirt over my head I made eye contact with her, I held her gaze as I lowered myself in front of her. Kneeling so till my lips were at her stomach I begin to place slow kisses along her abdomen. Her hands tangled into my hair as I smiled against her skin.

Raising both of my hands I positioned them on both sides of her waist as I begin to pull down her jeans. The more of her skin that I exposed, I made sure to kiss every piece of her visible.

"Baby," she moans as I began kissing along her panty line.

The word was still a bit foreign to me when she said it, but regardless it always made me smile when she called me that, what drove me crazy was the way she says my name as we are together.

"Step up." I say as she raises her legs, pulling them out of her jeans as I toss them to the side.

Within seconds she is standing in front of me, with only her bra and panties on, and yet still completely perfect. There was a faint discoloration from her being shot a back in LA, on her side, along with faint, small marking that reminded me of when she was with Josh. I slowly kissed those area's as she shivers under my touch. Standing I looked up at her as I noticed her eyes were beginning to water. Those areas were sensitive to her and every time I acknowledge them she thought that it would make me angry. It did sometimes only because I wished it never happen, then again it showed me just how special, precious, and strong my girl is.

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