Pretty In Pink

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Chapter 156

“Melly!” yells Harry as I lean against the table looking at last steps for the job at the strip club tonight.

“Yeah?” I answer.

“You up for a ride?”

Standing up I adjusted my joggers that hugged my hips as I nod, “I have to grab a shirt.”

“Isn’t  that considered a shirt?” asked Liam.

Looking down I took in my black sports bra and shook my head, “No it’s a sports bra.”

“And that is?” he asked.

“A bra that helps me to jump around without my boobs flying everywhere.” Walking over to the chair picked up an oversized shirt that I noticed was Max as I tied it up in the back, exposing my stomach. “Tell Max since he’s late for training I’ll be back.”

“Will do.” Says Liam as he grabs a few files and heads to the back.

Walking to the door where Harry stood I says, “So where are we going?”

“I need to get a file from Niall and figured that you might want to take a ride.”

Shrugging I followed him out the door as I say, “Did you call him and tell him you were bringing me?”

He shakes his head, “Didn’t think I needed to. I mean you did live there.” Opening my car door he smiles and says, “It’ll be fine.”

Climbing into the car I took my hair out of my ponytail, letting my brown messy curls fall over my shoulders, Harry closes my door as he walks onto the other side of his Audi and gets in.

“You probably should call him.” I say.

“Are you really that nervous about doing a pop up on him?”

I shrug, “We haven’t been together for about 2 weeks now so I don’t know what he is doing with his free time.”

Harry shakes his head as he starts the car, “Nothing crazy I assure you.”

I shake my head as I say, “Fine.”

Harry smiles as he pulls out of park and pulls out the driveway and onto the road.


The drive was about half an hour and the closer we got the more nervous I got. Pulling into the garage Harry parks were Casper use to sit as we get out the car. Walking into the building of the condo with Harry I was a bit hesitant considering the fact I hadn’t been here since everything happened. Riding the elevator up I bit my lip as the elevator stops and the doors open on our floor. Walking to the door, Harry pulls out his spare key and walks inside.

“Yo Niall, I’m her-,” he voice trails off as he stops halfway through the door, making me run into him.

“Damn it Harry.” I say.

“Um, Melly ,” he says as he turns to me, “I left the folder in the car, do you think that you can go get it for me?”

“A folder? You left a folder in the car?”

He nods.

Looking at the folder that was tucked under his arm I say, “But isn’t that it?”

Harry shakes his head, “No it’s another one.”

“Can’t you wait until you we leave?”

“Uh, no, I need it, like now.”

I stared at him, “Harry, why are you stalling?”

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now