"Same Old Shh, But A Different Day"

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Don't forget to read the end.

Chapter 127

Four days has passed since I left Niall back in the UK.

I missed having him here, and missed having him to wake up to every morning, but I wasn’t going to lie, I loved staying with Perrie, Jesy, and Leigh. Jade was hardly there since she buddied up with Abby and formed their ‘We hate Melissa so lets be besties’ group. Jesy told me that she suspected that Jade had feelings for Niall and just hated that I was with him, while Leigh insisted that, that wasn’t the problem. Whatever the reason might have been I was just happy that it gave Abby someone to talk to. She might be a rude and arrogant older sister, but I still didn’t like that she was shutting herself away from us.

Older sister I thought as I laughed to myself as rolled over and looked out the window as the sun began to peek over the horizon. That is something that I would have to get used to.

Being back in Pennsylvania seemed different. So much has happened since I first came here trying to escape everything freshmen year. My whole life had changed, hell I had changed, but at least I still had Max by my side. Rolling onto my back I stared up at the ceiling. I didn’t want to get up to be honest. I just wanted to sleep the next few months away because I knew that what was to come wasn’t something that was going to have an good outcome. Off to my side my phone vibrated as I groaned and rolled over.

“I’m up Max.” I said instantly.

“You better be or I’m dragging your ass to class just as you are.”

“Coffee, you must remember if you’re going to threaten me you need to at least give me coffee first.”

“I’ll have a nice hot cup for you when you get to class.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, oh and Alex says to call her.”


“Hell if I know. Something about her needing to know the main details of how our school works.”

I groan as I close my eyes, “Four days, it’s been four days Max. We aren’t in elementary school.”

“Maybe she is trying to make up for lost times.”

“Too late.”

Max laughs, “I gotta go run an errand and meet up with the frat boys in a bit. I’ll see you at school.”

“See you in a bit.” I say as I hang up the phone.

Still laying down I automatically called the last number on my call log. The phone rang 3 times before it picked up.

“Good morning Princess.” Says Niall his voice heavy with sleep.

“God I miss hearing your voice next to me in the morning.” I smile.

I could almost see the smirk on Niall’s lips as he says, “I miss feeling you up against me in the morning.”

I blushed because I understood the perversion he was putting into that simple response.

“How are things going?”

“Good, spending time with the family while digging up information about Andy.”

“Anything new?”

“Nope not yet.”

I sighed, “How long will it be before you come?”

“A week or 2, give or take.”

“Wait, you staying longer?”

“Me, Zayn, and Louis are, Liam and Harry should be back that way in a couple days.”

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now