Funny Just How Fast A Night Can Change

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Merry Christmas!!! It's 540am and I'm just now laying down from wrapping gifts... So here is my gift to you !

Waking up to the smell of bacon, I rolled over in bed to be greeted with breakfast in bed.

"Happy birthday." Niall whispers as he smiles.

Smiling slightly I say, "It's that time of the year again?"

He nods, "Yup, and this year we're going to do something different." Sitting my plate on the table, he moves so that he was over me.

"What? Morning birthday sex?" I giggled.

"Don't temp me." he says as he says, "I have a surprise for you and your brother, so I want you to eat and to get dress."

I nod, "What are we doing? Opposed from dinner?"

"No dinner," he says kissing me on my nose as he moves off of me, "Princess, it's a surprise."

I smile as I say, "Fine."

Getting up he goes to walk out the room as he stops and says, "Sweats, and a tank top."

I looked at him confused, "What?"

"Put on sweats and a top. Nothing more," he winks, "Save the less for later."

I nod as I laugh, "Deal."

Walking out of the room, he closes the door as I sit up.

My head was in a million different directions. If I agreed to let Andy do what he wanted with my head, this could very well be the last time that I celebrate something with Niall.

Running my hands through my hair, I shook my hair as I say, "Not today, no bad thoughts today."

Picking up a piece of bacon I grabbed my phone and dialed Max.

"Happy FUCking Birthday!" he yelled answering the phone.

"Happy fucking birthday!" I yelled back as I laughed.

"So did Niall tell you what our plans were going to be today?"

"Nope, have you heard anything?"


Eating bacon he says, "I have your gift."

"As do I."

"Exchange it at whatever mess they have planned for us?"

I nod, "Deal."

"Love you Melon. See you in a bit."

"Love you more." I smile.

Saying our goodbyes, I went through the motion of thanking everyone who called and texted me, as I ate my food. After about 15 minutes, I got up, showered and headed into the kitchen in which Niall pulling out boxes.

"What are you-" I stopped as I looked around, "The Christmas boxes." I say, "Your opening them."

He nods, "Yup."

"So we're decorating the house today?"

"Yup." He smiles, "Finally going to put all of this shit up."

"But we have no tree."

He looks at me as he says, "That is why, that is number 1 on our to do list for today."

I stared at him for a moment as I gasped, "Niall James Horan!"

His face lights up as I say, "Are we going to the tree thing that you refuse to let me go to in town?"

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now