Hands on Me (Dark)

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Chapter 163

So I got a message saying I should start back with my dark chapters since I haven't done them in a while... So I think I will.

Standing in a circle, The guys and I stare at the box as Liam says, “So are we going to just stare at this or are we going to open it?”

Looking up at him I nod, “Yeah we’re going to open it?”

He looks at me and raises a brow, “When?”

“Right now.”

“Right now?”

I nod, “Yes.”

“Like right now? This second?”

“Liam.” Says Niall.

“What?” he says, “We’ve been starring at this damn thing since I got here 10 minutes ago and I’m getting bored, and hungry.” Scratching the top of his head he says, “Come to think about it I’m a bit horny to.”

I smiled as Harry says, “Is there a day when you aren’t horny?”

“When I’m sleep.”

“I doubt that.” smirks Zayn.

I smile as I say, “I’m sorry, I’m just nervous. I mean this could be the information that we need and,” reaching over to touch my hand Max smiles.

“It’s going to be fine. Just take a deep breath and open it.”

Nodding Max squeezes my hand as I pick up the key and say, “Lets do this.”

Searching his eyes I bite my lip as I nod. Raising the keys that Max gave me my hand shook a little as stuck it into the lock.

“It fits.” Says Max.

“That’s a good sign.” Says Louis.

I nod as I turn the lock to the left then to the right. Something clicked and a draw opened revealing a keypad and two scanners.

“What in the fuck is that?” asked Harry.

Louis moved over to where I stood as he says, “There finger print scanners.”

“Finger print scanners? We need a certain persons fingerprint in order to open up this damn thing?” asked Liam.

Louis nods as he says, “Yeah,” looking over the hardware of the system he shakes his head in amazement as he says, “This is top of the line shit, your dad spend quite a pretty penny on this.”

“How much of a penny?” asked Zayn.

“By the looks of this,” Louis looks up at all of us as he says, “Damn there 2 to 3 grand.”

“Bullshit.” Says Harry.

“How are we going to know whose fingerprint will unlock it.” Asked Zayn.

“Princess, and Max.” says Niall as I look up at him.

“You think it will work?” asked Max.

He nods, “You two are his kids, and this box was put up for you two so maybe your father scanned your prints or got it somehow before he died and he made this lock.”

I looked up at Max as Harry says, “It makes sense. Doesn’t hurt to try.”

Max nods as he looks down at me and says, “Ready?”

I nod.

Raising out index finger on the scanner as a blue line runs up and down. It took about a few minutes but the scanner completed and the top popped open. Max bummed me smiling as I leaned over to look in the box. Inside were two folders, one titled My Son Maxwell Edwards, and My Daughter Melissa Edwards. Picking up the folders Max hands me mine as he says, “What do you think it is?”

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