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chapter 167


Waking up the next morning I was brought, Danishes and coffee.

"Morning," says Harry as he flops on the bed next to me.

"Morning." I say as I sit up in the bed pushing back my hair, "Where's Liam?"

I asked as I looked around.


I nod as I raise up taking the cup of coffee that he held out to me. Taking a few sips I rubbed my eyes as I say, "You call back home?"

Harry nods, "Yeah, it didn't sound good."

"Niall didn't kill him did he?"

Harry smiles and shook his head, "Killed him? No. Tortured," he shrugged, "A little. You want the long or short version?"

I groaned as I looked at him, "Short version please."

"Short version, Kevin daddy use to work for Paul, and your mom is besties with him. Paul was the one who idea it was to do testing on you and Max and he was the one to help her flee."

Raising my hand I rubbed my temple as I say, "So Kevin is working with Paul?"

He shakes his head, "No, he says he's not, but with the fact that everyone has a second agenda when it comes to us, and mainly you. We can't let it go that easily."

"You can't let it go easily, means that he is on lock down until Niall and Max find out what is needed and until we come back?"

"They'll feed him and let him shower." Harry offers.

Shaking my head I brought my coffee to my lips as I say, "I don't know how it is that you all don't scare me."

"You can't think that we scare you now. If we did when ol boy tried breaking into your condo, you would have fled with Max as soon as the shoe fell about your life." Running a hand through his hair he says, "Am I right?"

I nod, "I should've, hell I thought about it, but something kept me here. What happened felt like it was supposed to happen."

"Are you sure its not because you wanted to stay near Niall?"

I shook my head, "No, quite the opposite."

He nods as he walks to the window, just as the door opens.

"Morning love." Smiles Liam as he walks in with my bag and sits it on the bed.

"Morning." I smile.

"Jay call?"

I shook my head as I grabbed my phone, "Nope, nothing."

"Good, because we have plans?" I raised my brow as Harry says, "Gemma, and Ruth."


"My sister." He says, "Their going to meet us at the shop in 20 minutes."

Looking at the clock I say, "Shit then let me get dress."

Sitting my cup down I grabbed my bag and rushed into the bathroom. Hopping in for a quick shower, I threw on jeans, boots, a regular shirt and cardigan. Leaving my hair wet and curly, I applied from of hair stuff that he uses on his hair to avoid frizz and grabbed my bag.

"Ready." I say.

Liam looked at his watched, "And here I thought I was going to have to explain why we were going to be late."

I shook my head as I grabbed my coffee, "Can't be late when its not something for me." I smile as I take a sip and cough, "Oh god this is disgusting after you brush your teeth."

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now