What's Going On?

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"What the hell is going on?!" I yelled as I went to move forward but stopped by Niall shifting to stand in front of me.

"Maxwell take your sister outside." Says Dad.

"What? No." I quickly say as Max looks at me, "I'm not going anywhere."


"Max," I say in the same tone matching my dad.

Keeping his eyes locked on Alex, the corner of Dad lip turns up in a sign of irritation as he says "Maxwell Edwards if you do not take your sister out of this fucking house right now, we will have a problem."

"That's not fair! You can't pull the intimidating dad card!"

"This is not up for discussion Melissa."

"For once I actually agree with your father." Says Alex.

"Don't speak to her." Says Dad is voice ice cold.

Looking say Max I saw him lower his gun, hand still gripped around the trigger as he says, "Let's go melon."

"No," placing my hand on the side of Niall's side I say, "Back me up."

"Maybe it is safer for you to go outside."

Moving my hand from him I say, "Of all people." I shake my head as I let Max take my arm gently.

"Come on." Says Max but as I turned to go he tightens his grip to stop me.

Looking back at him, he glances to his right where the end of Niall's second gun stuck out of the back of his waist band as Max nods his head towards the door and mouths, "Step dad."

Looking towards the hall I watched as a shadow slowly walking up, his arm outstretched showing a outline of a gun.

Pulling the gun from Niall's waist band he yells, "What the-" and before he finishes I had my gun raised with Max as I said, "Stop right there , or I will shoot."

"Stop!" Alex yells as Max and I held our ground.

Robert emerged from the hallway holding his gun as he holds it pointing in my direction, "Tell them to lower their guns Alex."

"Fuck that." Says Max.

Stealing a glance at Dad I watched as he lowers his gun and says, "Put your guns down."

"But Dad," I start as he looks at Alex.

"If they are to lower theirs, I want you and he to as well. Or my kids will keep theirs up."

Alex stares at him for a minute before she nods and lowers her piece, Robert following.

"Never how I imagined a family meet up to happen." Says Niall as he lowers his gun.

"Have you not met our family?" Smirks Max.

"What are you doing here?" Alex says.

"What? Surprise to see me alive?"

"Alive and in our living room." Says Robert.

"Hm," Dad says as he sizes up Robert, "You must be the fella that Alex ran away with."

Robert didn't answer.

"Name is David Edwards, Melissa and Maxwells father."

"The father who abandon his children."

"The father who raised his children and did what was necessary in order to make sure his kids were safe, as opposed to living them while in the hospital."

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now