His Diamonds (LONG)

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Sooo I have been wrapped up in school so I figured, "Why not do a few updates in a row?" So here's my gift to you.. Enjoy.

Chapter 147

Kevin POV

The job for tonight was for Mel to get to one of the cars that were being sold and retrieve a stash of diamonds that was hiding under the dash board. As soon as she told me what her uncle wanted her to do, I wanted to drive right back to the hotel an get out of town.

"Is your uncle's fucking crazy?" I whispered aggravated.

"It's not a hard job if you think about it." She says as we walk up to the door and she smiles and gives the host our tickets.

"Not a hard job?" I say after we pass the host, "Kitten I usually do jobs like this with 4 people."

"Well I'm sorry, but tonight you just got me." She says.

As we walked into the show I was immediately at awe with all the vintage cars that surrounded me.

"Who are we looking out for?" I asked as we came to a stop near an 1967 mustang.

Pulling out her phone she pulls up a photo as she says, "Name is Douglas Markey. He's a gambler who got the rocks smuggled in."

"And why is he our target?"

She shrugs, "Apparently he fucked off Uncle Vin and Vin wants pay back."

I shook my head, "Something about this is off. Kitten you know we shouldn't be here, especially since thing 1 and thing 2 could pop up. We aren't staying in shit motels for fun, it's to lay low and this," I motioned around us, "Isn't laying low."

Facing me she says, "Do you honestly think that we have that choice now? I need to know what he knows, and the only way I can do this is if I get him these diamonds. If you don't want to do this then go, but I'm staying."

I bit my bottom lip as I exhaled and wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her close.

"What are you doing?" she asked as she looks down at the program for tonight.

"Well are cover is a newlywed happy in love couple who is up for wasting money, so we have to play the part." I smile.

She rolls her eyes as she smiles, "Let's just get this over with."

"Agreed." I say.

Walking with her at my side, I looked around carefully to see if I spotted any unwanted onlookers.



Grabbing up a glass of Champaign, Kevin and I continued to bull shit people here, about us being newlyweds crazy about each other. There was nonstop laughing, and toughing of thighs. There was also an increasing amount of soft kisses that Kevin would place on my forehead, cheek, and exposed shoulder. When we were away from people I would have to remind him that we weren't together in which he would reply,

"Of course, it's all an act."

The plan was that once the auction started up I would slip out for the bathroom, sneak past the guards, get the diamonds, and meet Kevin out around back. As we walked into the room I purposely bumped into Douglas, spilling my drink on him as I planted a tracker in his pocket, in which was wired to Kevin's phone so he could be my eyes and ears of his movements when I went to the car.

"Oh my I'm so sorry!" I gasped.

"It's okay little lady." He smiles.

I smile back as Kevin and I sat and the show began I turned in my seat slightly facing him as he leans to me and kisses below my ear. Kisses a soft spot I had to try my damnedest to refrain from letting out a sigh of enjoyment, luckily Kevin pulled away as his lips brushed my ear and he whispers, "You up for this?"

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