Say Yes!

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Happy Thanksgiving!!! One of the things that I am thankful for will have to be, having amazing readers like you all! You are all so fucking amazing ! And I couldn't ask for better readers. Im planning on posting tomorrow, but since I have homework and I work for Black Friday idk when exactly I'll be able to post..

Oh yeah I turn 21 tomorrow!!! How crazy is that!

But anyways thank you for reading you truly are the best. As a thanks giving treat to you im going to tell you that things are going to get crazy in the up and come 15 or so chapters. Your gonna love/hate me for it though ;) Happy Turkey Day!

What?" I asked as I sat up and looked at him.

"Marry me." he says.

Looking at me with all seriousness, I say, "Your serious?"

Nodding as he sits up, "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"

I shook my head and shrugged. My head spun as my heart began to pound so loud that I thought that it was going to pop out of my chest.

He looked at me with a sincere look on his face.

"Your serious?" was the only thing that would register in my head.

He smiles, "Yes, I'm serious." Turning at the waist he reaches into the drawer that sat need the bed as he grabbed a velvet small pouch, "Maybe this would make it more real."

Pulling on the draw strings he opens the pouch as he turns it upside down as a flash of silver catches my eye. "I would've gotten a box but I felt that was to you know mainstream and I honestly was thinking about putting it in food but then I changed my mind." He says rambling as I notice he to was nervous. Inside of his hand sat an all silver ring. A silver ring that was covered in stones, the center stone was a diamond the color of aquamarine, the first layer of accent stones where regular diamonds and so was the diamonds that were around the band. The primary metal was that of 18k white gold.

"Niall." I gasped as I starred at his hand. Shaking my head dumbfounded I looked from his hand to him and back to his hand, "You aren't kidding!"

Shifting to kneel against the bed he takes my hand and says, "I love you, Princess. You are the reason that I get up in the morning with a smile, you are the reason that I'm actually looking forward to what's to come in the future. I've always just lived my days, one after the other, but you," he shakes his head, "You make me think beyond the box. You make me want to have kids, have a stable home, see things to come in the long run. Princess," he clutches my hand, "I want to have kids of my own. Little ones that are mine and who look up to me, my daughters and or sons. I want to have that big ass house with the white picket fence. I want a dog, maybe 2, one little girly one and a guard dog. I want to be happy and not have to look over my shoulders every second of the day. Princess I want all that with you. You make me want to be a better person for you, to show you that I can be the man that you deserve. I might not be prince charming, but if you let me, I'd love to be your prince in training."

Tears ran down my face as I laugh, "You want to be my frog?"

He shrugs, "If that's what they call it."

Moving so my legs are hanging on his sides, leaving him positioned between my legs I take my free hand as I run my hand over his face, my thumb brushing his cheek, "There's no need to be my frog, or prince in training." He looks up at me as I say, "Because you are already my prince charming," I shake my head, "My king and I love you for who you are. I don't ever want you to change."

He stares at me confused, "So does that mean.."

I nod, "Yes." I gushed nearly screaming, "Yes, I will love to marry you."

Consequences of Falling in Love With a Frat Boy #2Where stories live. Discover now